A Night to Yourselves

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"I wanna watch a romcom." Papyrus snorted. "that's so cheesy, i love it!" You giggled as he pinned you to to his chest. "your the expert, got any ideas my romcom queen?" He mused as you put some thought into it. "Ooooo I got one..." You wriggled out of his arms and whipped around, pointing at him. "Popcorn stat!" Papyrus rolled his eyelights and blipped out of existence while you hopped on and put on your favorite romcom. A few minutes later Pap came in with the popcorn in hand. He sat down beside you, using his tail to pull you closer to him as he cooked his head like a curious dog. "what's this one? don't think i've seen it." You grinned a Cheshire cat grin as you settled into him. "Why don't you watch and find out~?" You teased as you started the movie. With a hum, you and Papyrus settled to watch the movie and any movies that came after.

At some point in time of your rabbithole of movies, the empty popcorn bowl was put down so you could both stretch out on the couch. His head was proped on the armrest so that he could still see the movie while you used your arm as a pillow. Pap had wrapped an arm and his tail around you so you wouldn't fall off. It it was getting into the late hours of the night, but you were refusing to fall asleep. "it's getting late, we should probably turn in for the night." You shook your head stubbornly. "I won't fall asleep, besides, we are at a good part!" Papyrus shrugged "ok but you even sound tired in your thoughts. i didn't know that was possible." You grinned tiredly. "We should make a bet. Whoever stays up the longest wins and has to do what the other wants for a day." Papyrus scoffed. "one, you don't wanna make that kind of bet with me. i will win. two, we still have [C/N] to take care of." He pointed out. "She's at Sans place, remember?" You responded back. Papyrus paused thoughtfully. "you're on." You snickered "We are such children, how are we parents."
"we can be mature when we wanna be." He defended. Your laugh echoed through his skull. "Shall the dare begin?"

The sun filtered through your curtains in quiet shafts. Your eyes drooped, but you were still awake for the most part. "Pap. Pap?" You turned your head to see him totally out, he looked peaceful. Still... "I win..." You turned so that you could bury your face in his hoodie. You were more than ready to join him in sleeping, if only for a few hours. You started to drift off peacefully, you almost didn't hear the phone ringing. You could just ignore or and go to sleep, but what if it was important? You groaned.

Answer the phone?


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