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A few months passed and housing for the monsters was being constructed. Some had already moved into homes on the surface, but there was some who refused to sell to monsters or couples like you and Pap. Laws were still being  passed for monster rights, so most places could choose whether they wanted monsters in their establishments or not. Most places were thankfully monster friendly. You, [C/N], and Papyrus moved into a nice house with a big yard for [C/N] to run around in. Pap wasn't exactly a poor monster which was good for your daughter. Sans had moved in with Nabstaton which had taken a lot of convincing from you, Gaster, and your child for Sans to be able to do so. Gaster moved in with Grillby so you were all with your proper soulmates/friends seeing as Gaster's soulmate died years ago. "Do you think it's possible for your dad to have another soulmate?" Papyrus shrugged. "never heard of it, but i don't think it's impossible." He replied as you both situated [C/N]'s room. It was one of the first rooms to be unpacked.

"ugh, i remember why i hate moving..." You snorted. "This is only the second room in the house and it's our room."
"we could be doing a lot funner things than unpacking though." Papyrus whined, leaning his head onto your shoulder. "Work before play Papyrus, how about if we can get the house unpacked by tonight, we can send [C/N] to Blue's tonight and we can have the night to ourselves?" You suggested. Papyrus was up and unpacking in no time. "what are we waiting for, let's get this house done-" You laughed silently at his sudden shift in mood. You were so happy you fell down that hole. Your life was so much better with Papyrus in it. You grabbed a box and started to pull out its contents. "Mama I wanna help!" You chuckled and signed. "Of course you can help sweetie, why don't you start putting these picture frames on the shelves. Be careful!" You warned as she started to take the frames one by one and put them up. You smiled happily at her and noticed Papyrus had stopped to watch as well, his tail waving to mirror his own happy mood.

With the three of you working, you conquered each room one by one. By six when you were all have dinner in your new kitchen, you texted Sans to ask if he wanted [C/N] for the night while you and Pap had the night to yourselves doing... whatever you would be doing, you weren't entirely sure yet. It would probably be the last time before legal matters and [C/N] would allow for it so you both would have to savor it while you had it. Sans, of course, loved the idea of taking [C/N] and apparently Nabstaton had made a few tracks just for her which was kinda nice of him to do. "[C/N], how would you like to stay with Uncle Sans for the night?" You suggested, much to both child and father's delight. "I'll go pack a bag-"
"ah, ah after dinner, kiddo. i'll drop you off, k?" [C/N] nodded and dinner continued with excited chatter about finally being on the surface. Once her bag was packed and was dropped off, Papyrus popped behind you and scooped you in his arms. "so what's the plan?"


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