Echo Stone

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You squirmed over to pick up the phone and clicked answer. "Hello? [Y/N]?" Gaster guessed, though it wasn't like you could do much in the way of answering but tap your phone. "Great! Grillby and I would love if you could come over immediately- he has a surprise for you." You quirked a  tired brow. A surprise? For you? "I'll be seeing you soon, yes?" You tapped on the phone again. You were curious as to what Grillby could have for you. "Alright then, see you soon!" Gaster hung up. You looked over at Papyrus and decided to leave him to sleep. He didn't sleep this peacefully as much as you would like for him too. After you were done at Gaster's, you could pick up [C/N]. Hopefully she was having fun with her uncles. You yawned and wormed your way out of Papyrus embrace, going to change before grabbing your phone and leaving the house. Of course, you'd also left your beloved mate a note so he would know where you were if he woke up while you were gone. You turned down towards your father-in-law and Grillby's house.

Gaster answered before you could even try to knock, meaning that he'd been waiting since the call. If he'd been waiting that long, it also meant that he was very excited about something and you could only guess it was something to do with your surprise. "Come on, come on, Grillby had been looking for this everywhere for you!" A gift? Gaster pulled you into the room Grillby used as his lab. The Fire Elemental was over his desk now, working on something. "She's here Grillbz."
"Almost done, just a few more tweaks-" Grillby grumbled, as he grabbed some tool or another and- "There! [Y/N], what do you think?" He held up a choker like necklace with a cyan orb in its center. You gave him a thumbs up. "This is an Echo Stone. They are extremely rare and had taken me years to find this for you." He started explaining as Gaster moved your hair so he could clip it on. "I've been trying to think of a way to make communication easier for you-"
"What do you mean-" You froze at the sound of your voice. "An Echo Stone repeats your thoughts." Grillby replied to your spoken question.

It was overwhelming. Hearing your voice after so long. You ended up sobbing into Gaster over it. It was a miracle when Papyrus could hear your thoughts but this... you Never thought that anyone else would ever hear your voice again. Your thoughts. You were so happy. Happy enough to listen to yourself sob into Gaster... well, it didn't sound like sobbing actually. More like the tangled mess thoughts become when you're feeling lots of things at once, but still. It was your voice. Gaster rubbed circles into your back as he smiled at Grillby. "I think she loves it."
"I think she doesn't know what to think." Grillby chuckled. "I think..." You picked up as you wiped away your tears as you sniffed. "My daughter needs to hear her mom." They both smiled wider. "That sounds like a good idea, [Y/N]." Gaster agreed. "Thank you Grillby- so much!" Grillby inclined his head. "Of course, Mrs. Gaster. Tell your daughter I said hello."
"I will!" You bid them goodbye and dashed onto the street and towards Sans and Mattaton's. You heard sirens behind you, police cars whizzed past, giving you a horrible feeling. Then your phone started to ring.

Answer it?

Just start running?

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