Chapter 2

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That was until Sunghoon finally decided to speak up. "So, uh your name is Riki right?" Sunghoon glanced at him for a few seconds before he looked away. Ni-Ki nodded in response.

And it was silent again. They didn't speak for a good five minutes until Sunghoon spoke again. "Are you older than me or...?" Sunghoon glanced at him once again and Ni-Ki this time glanced back at him.

Ni-Ki did admit that Sunghoon was handsome, he was even tall and had a good posture, though Ni-Ki was slightly taller than him, still, Ni-Ki wondered why would such a handsome man want to become the CEO when indeed he could've become a model.

"Uh, did you hear me?" Sunghoon glanced at him once again bothered by Ni-Ki not answering his question. Ni-Ki glanced at him once again until he answered. "You are older than me, Sunghoon-shi," Ni-Ki said as he glanced down.

That's what I get for reading the news.

"Oh..." Sunghoon glanced down as he bit his lip at that. "Oh, God where are my parents?" Ni-Ki asked out of annoyance. "I have no idea, Riki-shi." Sunghoon glanced at him once again.

"It would be suitable if you'd at least call me hyung than..." Sunghoon suggested as Ni-Ki glanced at him with his eyes wide.


I don't even know you that well-

Ni-Ki sighed in response before answering. "That's not necessary Sunghoon-shi," Ni-Ki said with a forced smile on his face. "Aww, come on it's not like I am interested in you," Sunghoon replied as he rolled his eyes.

At least something positive...

"Fine, hyung." Ni-Ki glanced at him and smiled at him. "And that's progress." Sunghoon shrugged as he nervously smiled at the younger. "I mean, we can be at least some kind of friends." Sunghoon glanced down as Ni-Ki listened to him.

Why does he sound so- friendly...

On the news, it said that he is a rude and arrogant person, but here he-

Ni-Ki glanced at him slightly confused.

He is the other way around...

Ni-Ki bit his lip at that. "Are you usually in deep thoughts, Riki-ah?" Sunghoon asked as he smiled at him. "Uh, yeah..." Ni-Ki glanced at him a bit. "Hyung..." Ni-Ki added and that was when his parents opened the door and came in.

"Well, kids from tomorrow you two will be living together." Ni-Ki's father said a bit too enthusiastically while Ni-Ki gasped at that. He couldn't even respond, because Sunghoon was faster than him.

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