Sixth lie

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She was pale and wheezing. She sat in a wheelchair pushed by a nurse.

"I I'm sorry! I didn't mean to run into you, I wasn't paying attention I'm very sorry!" The nurse says.

"It's ok." I turn to face Dylan. "What happened?!"

Dylan raised a finger and coughed. Through a raspy wheeze, she answers;

"I had a, a at, asthma at, attack.."

I get down and hug her. "I'm so sorry."

Dylan tries to answer but can't. I back up and Dylan does a series of motions with her fingers to the nurse. The nurse bends down, gets a white board and marker from the pocket and gives it to Dylan. Dylan writes for a few seconds and gives the pad to me.

*you don't need to write back. I can hear you.

You don't need to apologize. I'll be hospitalized for a few weeks. What are you doing here?

"My dad had a heart attack, which lead to a coma. I won't be going to school for at least a week."

Dylan's eyes grow wide. She motions me to give back the board. She erases the previous writing and scribbles madly. Through a quick writing ibread;

That's so bad! I'm so sorry! Does that mean that you can stay here today?

"Sorry I can't stay with you today, I promised Austin a date. But tomorrow? "

She jumps excitedly and asks for the board again. I was still holding that? I give to her, she erases, she writes and she gives it to me.

Ohmigod! No way! You got a date with Austin Sire?!

I laugh." First of all, he asked me. Second, is that a good thing or bad?" I ask.

She raises her hand to give me a thumbs up.

"Aliyah! Aliyah! Where are you?!" Austin yells from down the hall.

"I got to go. See you tomorrow!" I wave goodbye and so does she.

I ran to Austin. "Here I am."

"Good. The taxi is waiting outside."

We walk to the main entrance. "Is this the date you asked for when we met?"

He looks at the sky, remembering. "Yeah."

We enter the taxi. "Red Deer movie theater please." He says.

"Who was that back there?" He asks.

"Dylan. She had a asthma attack."

"Is she ok?"

"She'll be fine. Tell me more about the movie."

"Well this d-doll or rather a demon - doll goes around killing people to sacrifice to hell."

"Wow. OK." I seriously didn't know what to answer. I had already watched horror movies but I'd never watch a movie where the main plot is where a doll kills everyone. The taxi stops in front of the cinema.

"We are here." He says gruffly.

I get out of the car while Austin pays. He comes from behind me.

"Let's go."

We enter the cinema and wait in line to get popcorn and drinks.

"Tell me about yourself."

"Like what? What do you want to know?"

" I don't know, your favorite color, your birthday..."

"Well my favorite color is blue, my birthday is 31st of October-"

"Cool! You're born on Halloween! Must sick since it's Halloween though. Do people forget your birthday?"

"Not my family. And it's actually kind of cool. I get more candy than everybody else."

We arrive at the cashier and I take my order:medium popcorn, medium drink and a bar of chocolate. He takes the same and pays. We enter the cinema and sit near the back. For the 4 or 5 other rows around us are emtpy. The lights are still on and the screen displays commercials. Austin leans beside me.

"You know, I never met a woman like you." He whispers.

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't changed since yesterday, and you went to the hospital, in a taxi, and now the cinema in gray yoga pants and a one direction t-shirt. Must be comfortable." He chuckles.

I look down,shocked. I was indeed in yoga pants that finished at my ankles, and a old one direction shirt I got a concert two years ago. I open my mouth to yell. Austin puts his hands on mine.

"Aye. Careful. I got a membership here, and us getting kicked out will just suspend me. Plus the lights are going dim. You'll last an hour and a half in the dark."

The movie starts. The doll starts to kill a boy who looks like he's 6 or 5. The doll continues to kill the family. The mom and dad try to run but end up with either a bullet or knife in the stomach. I heard someone puking in the front row. The sight was truly gruesome. The doll brings all the corpses in the basement, burns them, and takes their soul in a little locket type of necklace. She says a few words in Latin and is sent next to a man in red. It goes black. Then the girl wakes up and the doll strangles her.

OK. That was disturbing.

"How did you like it?"

"It was nice. Other than the fact I'm in my pajamas."

He laughs his beautiful laugh." OK the taxi is here. We can go to your house so you can get changed."
We enter the taxi once again and I tell the taxi man where I live, and we leave.

We'll learn who insulted aliyah!

The Lies In Our Love (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now