Fourteenth lie

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The police bring us to the office. Austin is immediatly brought to a cell, whereas I'm brought in a retaining room.

A woman in white sits in the room alone.

"Mom?!" I should've known. She'd do something to get me home. Granted it's been two days, but when I leave someplace for a week, she's fine with it.

She gets up and hugs me. "Oh honey, I was so worried! I had to call the police-"

I push her away. "What in the absolute hell mom?! You know that I leave for awhile when I'm frustrated!"

"I know honey,but you seemed so furious, and I got ner-"

"No! Just no!" Before I can continue my rant, the police officer enters.

"May we speak to Aliyah, please?" She asks.

I glare at my mom before following the officer. She leads me to a contained room and sits me down. I'm being questioned.

"Would you like some water?" She asks. I shake my head.

"Our name is officer Vince, Lisa Vince. We can just assure you that you're fine and safe here. We just need to ask a few questions; do you know him?"


"Did he harm you?"


"Did he harass you?"


"Do you know why he kidnapped you?"

What? That's the lie my mom had reported?

I bite my teeth. "He didn't kidnap me. I left cause of my dumb - ass mom! The maniac named Kane had asked me over to tell me sht, and my mom thought otherwise! I left because I was mad with her! She knew I'd go to Austin, and decided to get rid of him for god knows what reason!"

"So you're saying that he didn't kidnap you?"

I calm down slightly. " No."

" You went voluntarily?"


"Okay, that'll be all. Wait here, we'll be right back."

She gets up and leaves. I can't believe my mother would try to land Austin in prison for kidnapping! Is she out of her right mind?

Officer Vince enters, with my mom. She sits my mom next to me. I hope that she can feel my glare.

"Ma'am," She adresses to my mom, " can you confirm that your daughter has left and remained at Austin sire's residence in a fit of rage?"


"And that you knew about this, but called special services claiming kidnapping?"

She lowers her head." Yes."

"Carol, you under arrest for misuse of the special forces. You will be charged with 15 hundred and a night in the local prison."

Is it wrong that I did a little dance? Mentally. Lisa takes my mother out of the room. Before leaving the door, my mother looks me straight in the eye.

"You'll regret this."

I wave gently and smile. What's wrong with me?

Lisa hands my mother to three other officers.

"We had already dealt it out."


"Alissa Sire shall be your legal guardian until you reach 18."


"Would you like to return to you home and pack up? We are aware of your father's condition."

"No its ok. I'll just stay with Austin. Where is he?"

"Here, let me show you."

She leads me to a another questioning room down the hall. She opens the door.

"We're sorry about all this." She says.

"It's okay."

"We hope you have a good day."

She leaves and run to hug Austin.

"I was so scared but furious. I'm just glad that you're not in prison."

"What?" He asks.

"You don't know what?"


"My mother tried to get you arrested by claiming that you kidnapped me."

Austin doesn't answer me. For a few minutes he just holds me like always, but staring into space.


He snaps his head. " Yeah? "

"You ok?"

"Yeah. Just wondering why she'd do that when she seemed to like me."

Why did she do that? It's my father who didn't like Austin. My father.

"You know what? Let's go visit my father."

"OK, but I don't have my car and neither do you."


"Whatever, we'll call a cab."

And hand in hand, we leave the police station and wait outside.

Austin finishes paying the taxi driver.

"You know, you should start paying too."


I wasn't going to be paying anytime soon.

We enter the hospital and head to my father's room.

"Yes doctor. I understand." What the hell? My mother is in jail for now, and I'm a only child, who's in there?

The doctor leaves his room. I hurry in and gasp.


I'm going to start a new book. But it won't be published until this one is completed!

The Lies In Our Love (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now