Author's Note

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Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to check out Unmasking the Nightmare. I am so grateful that you have given this story a chance, but before you begin, there are some things you should know.


First of all, allow me to introduce myself. Since I do not wish to disclose my real name (secret identity if you will), you may call me by my username, blueberrae, or my nickname, Rae. I am a young adult female Christian who has been writing since...well, as long as I can remember.

As a child, I filled up journals with stories about animals visiting amusements parks. As a tween, I began writing fanfics inspired by cartoon and video game characters, which turned into writing movie fanfics which I still write today. For as long as I can remember, writing has always been a part of my life.

I wish I could say that I've loved superheroes my whole life, but that would be a lie. In fact, although I'm writing a superhero novel, I have never seen a superhero movie besides the four Avengers movies and the Incredibles. Yeah, it's a crime I haven't seen more superhero movies, and if I get the opportunity, I will definitely have to watch them since I'm so uncultured. So why would I write a superhero novel?

I'll admit, although I haven't seen many superhero movies, the idea of superpowers and supernatural humans has always interested me. About a year ago, I got obsessed with superheroes and started checking out superhero stories, but I grew disappointed when I realized that many of them followed the same plot.

The superhero and supervillain fall in love, not enough action because most of scenes revolve around school and romance, cliche plot twists, Mary Sue female characters who are considered strong because they're hot and can kick butt but don't have any faults...the list went on.

I'm not trying to hate on stories that follow the themes that I mentioned above. In fact, most of them were still enjoyable, but they just weren't my cup of tea.

Since I couldn't find a grittier, more realistic superhero novel, I was inspired to write my own. And Unmasking the Nightmare was born.

It's not your typical superhero story. I took the superhero story and put a twist on it, adding more of a dystopian/sci-fi feeling, such as a utopian city, virtual reality, futuristic vehicles, and the ability for supers to gift their powers to others.

It's a story following the POVs of two main characters, who couldn't be more different. It's a story of guilt and bitterness but also a story of forgiveness and letting go.

It's not perfect by any means, but it's a journey that I think will be worth it.


If you're embarking on this journey, I have a few rules first.

I accept constructive criticism but please don't be rude about it or diminish my writing. I am also open to suggestions and input from my readers, but please respect my decisions as the writer.

Also, I own everything in this story except for the obvious ones like references to Disney princesses, Lunchables, etc. so don't steal anything. If you're rereading it, please don't post spoilers in the comments because that ruins it for my other readers.

And lastly, ALL COMMENTS CONTAINING PROFANITY WILL BE REMOVED. I'm not trying to be the bad guy, but I just don't appreciate that kind of language.


I also wanna give you guys a heads-up so you aren't caught by surprise. The first few chapters are quite deceiving since they're a bit cheesy and lighthearted. But as the story progresses, it will get darker and more violent, so you have been warned.

I should also warn you about the length. As of right now, I'm planning to write 35 chapters, and each chapter will be between 5K-10K words. I know most people would rather shorter chapters, but I prefer longer so that's what I'm going to write.

Although there won't be any profanity or spicy romance scenes, there will be lotsa graphic violence. I'm talking about blood, serious injuries, and character deaths, so if that's a trigger for you, I'd suggest you find a different story to read.

Yikes, that was a lot of rules! Hopefully I haven't dissuaded you from reading it! Enough said! Enjoy the show! :)


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