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I watched the girl at the end of the now short line. She stood out against the others.

She was taller than average, but not as tall as me and the others. Her hair was so blonde it could be white. Even from the distance that remained in between us, I could still see her sharp, crystal blue eyes.

Ares had brought her to my attention knowing I was only looking for potential threats.

"She's special," he had said. As much he loved attention and being praised for how amazing he looked, Ares didn't take to many people. So his attention on her was enough to get me to watch her.

Once I looked at her, I felt it. She was definitely something powerful. The girl was also very familiar. Why she looked familiar I couldn't place. I watched her as she watched others get their places. Growing more and more nervous as she stepped closer. Then it was just her at the base of the stairs.

She finally looked to me. Her eyes shining. When our gazes locked shock washed over her features.

Then it dawned on me who she was. But all to soon she was walking up the stairs and past me. My knife stopped in its place. I watched as she walked up to the Choosing Items. She stared at them all for a moment.

"She belongs with us," Ares said as she brushed her fingers against the Dragon Stone. It beamed a bright silver. The crowd gasped. Even I stood shell shocked in my place. Loud talking broke out over the crowd.

"That's not possible!" A man screamed from the middle. He stood and glared at those of us on the stage. The girl's gaze flicked between the man and the stone. "I demand that she go again! No female in history has ever been a dragon rider!"

My mind raced. How was this possible? My purple eyes roved to find my friends but stopped short. The man that had yelled made my eyes narrow.

It took a lot for me to actually not like someone personally. But, he gave more than enough reason. His glare had finally pinned on the girl still standing on the stage. She was no doubt scared.

The representatives tried to gain control over the crowd. After about ten minutes of no progress, I stepped in to help. Well, more like I had Ares roar. That got the crowd to shut up in an instant. Clinton looked to me and nodded.

"Those of you going to an academy have a chance to pack, lightly," one of the other men said. After that I completely zoned out. Not caring to pay much attention to anything other than the other two and the job I was supposed to do.


Carriages sat in a single file line. Sturdy oxen standing, waiting to be told to go. Wind came in rushes promising a storm. We were all waiting for the new students to say goodbye to their families.

"Four days to get to the academy," Marcus groaned.

"Gods, I hated this part," Micah chimed in. None of us really enjoyed being stuck in a carriage all day. Especially since there was other people in there with you trying to talk to you.

I didn't do well being confined to one place for too long. After so long of sitting still I would start to fidget. Constantly shifting in my spot to become more comfortable. When I had been sorted, some of the dragon riders had found me walking alongside the caravan and scolded me.

Compared to flying, the caravan felt like an eternity. On an average dragon, the flight took about six to eight hours one way. That, I didn't mind so much. I could move and shift around freely. Sometimes I would go as far as jumping off of Ares for fun. But now I would be stuck in a close perimeter to the caravan.

Dark grey clouds threatened a heavy storm. No doubt that it would make our already long return even longer. If worst came to worse, we would sit out the storm on the side of the road.

"I'm offing myself," I said. Shortly after, we were moving. The carriages were being pulled by the oxen. Some riders stayed in the carriages at all times. Each carriage having its own rider. Sometimes one rider would switch out with another. I refused to sit in one at all.


I was sitting on the ground leaning against Ares. Night had fallen and it was decided to make camp. It was easy to tell who belonged with who. Groups sat together and talked.

Questions were shot left and right. Someone always wanting to know more and more about what they were and the creatures they would bond to. A few even tried asking about me and Ares. I gave the shortest answer possible before ignoring them.

Marcus walked over with the girl from earlier right next to him. Octavia. He had a smile on his face like a child would have when they found a fools gold. It was gold colored rock that wasn't actually gold.

"Look who I finally found!" He chirped. Octavia still seemed a little nervous. Her feelings completely understandable though.

"Hey birdie, how have you been?" Micah asked. We had all been friends, including some others, before our group had been split. It took me weeks to get used to not having her around. Our group was always together. Rarely seen as anything but the whole group. Even more rare to find one of us by ourselves.

There was also another reason behind it for me though.

I had loved her. Wanted nothing more than to be able to wrap my arms around her just because I could. To watch the reactions she had to my constant flirting. How she stayed still when I would nuzzle into the crook of her neck from behind her, with my arms around her torso. The way she shivered when I would whisper to her and leave a ghost of a kiss on her cheek, jaw, or neck when she wasn't paying attention.

"Um... as good as I can, I guess," she said quietly.

"Why are you so nervous? Just sit down and chill with us," I finally spoke. Her eyes turned to me. "It's not like we bite." Something flashed in her eyes too quick for me to tell.

"You do bite," she corrected. A cocky grin made its way to my lips.

"Not in public," I responded. Red swarmed her cheeks. Even after three years she was easily flustered.

"You would if you got the chance," she shot back. Marcus and Micah obviously enjoying the scene stayed out of it, watching with amusement.

"Wanna find out?" I purred. The red in her cheeks burned deeper. I gestured for her to sit with us and she did. A smile quirking her lips up.

Dragons Trust Book 1 - The StartWhere stories live. Discover now