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A week after the world was told Noah was down and injured and it barely changed. We went to classes and trained. People talked to each other about things that didn't matter. It was almost like nobody cared. As if Noah wasn't bonded to the Dragon King. As if Ares wasn't going to mad and destroy everything in his path if Noah died.

The broadcast had ended with Ares being knocked out. Nothing had been said nationally since then. Micah and Tommy and the rest of the Dagens had been told of his condition.

A coma.

One that they didn't know how long would last.

"Pay attention Miss Cilian," my teacher sneered. His name was Mark Landers. He taught the potions class all first years had. Unlike mages, we didn't have healing magic so we used potions and elixirs.

Mr. Landers had never liked me. Even before he met me. Anytime he could ridicule me in front of the class he would. This was the first class I had attended this week. The headmaster had given me and the others permission to stay home and let us process what we saw.

"Care to explain why you were absent from my class for days, only to come back and not pay attention?" He prodded. That wasn't any of his business. I could feel Tuarana's agitation seep through the bond. My hand clenched into myself, nails digging into my palm. I felt the warm sticky blood begin to slide across my skin.

"She probably started her period!" Someone snickered. I couldn't do this. Not today. Tears pricked at my eyes.

What they didn't know was that I didn't actually have periods. I was born with a condition. My body didn't have the eggs to produce children. There was no need for my body to shred my uterus, so it didn't. It was a good thing I didn't want children, because I would never be able to have any.

"Answer the question, girl," Landers snapped. I kept my mouth shut. Why I had been gone was none of his business. The headmaster had told all of teachers I had permission to not be in class and that it wouldn't count against me.

A thin layer of frost was forming where my other hand gripped my pants. I was trying so hard to not cry in front of all these boys in my class.

"I don't have all day!" Landers shouted. Ice reached up and swallowed his boots. "What in the nine circles of hell?!"

I stood and walked out. Tears were streaming down my face. I was doing everything I could to be strong for the boys. They had more of a right to be upset for Noah than I ever would. They were his brothers. Even Marcus. All of them had grown up together. I had only been with them for a fraction of their lives.

My legs carried me outside and to Tuarana. She took me to the lake. I had wanted to go to the cave, but I didn't think I could without breaking down completely. I tried to use my magic. Nothing would work.

"Gods damnit!" I yelled. All I needed was a distraction. Distracting myself was the only way I didn't think about Noah. The way he had laid on the ground, bleeding. It never seemed to stop.

Noah was dying and now he may never wake up again.

"Work!" I screamed. My hands moved in all of the ways I had come to know. Nothing came out. Not even the ice over the lake so much as moved. More tears fell.

He had been fighting and hurt. He had been so strong. He still was. And here I was, not able to make my magic work.

"Octavia," Clinton said from behind me. I whirled. When had he gotten here? Tuarana stood next Ongreth, who watched with that silent gaze of his. He was a huge dragon. How had I not heard him land?

My arms wrapped around myself. I had to be there for the others. I had no right to be this upset.

I couldn't breath. That ringing started in my ears, just like it always did. I knew Tuarana was trying to speak to me but I couldn't hear her. I tried to speak but nothing came out.

Clinton walked towards me and pulled me into a tight hug. I broke. And there was nothing I could do to stop it. I cried into the man that taught me how to defend myself. My legs gave out from under me but he held me up with ease.

"It's okay kiddo. Take as long as you need," he told me firmly.

I don't know how long I cried into Clinton. How long he stood there, holding me and listening to my crying. At some point everything became a blur and he helped me walk into the house I shared with Marcus and Micah.

Micah bolted up from the couch the second he saw me. His face held worry. His arms pulled me into himself.

"Gods damnit Octavia you scared the shit out of us. Marcus, Tommy, and Sunny are out looking for you. Where have you been?" He demanded. My mind couldn't form a response. I could barely register what he was saying.

Clinton started to speak, but I didn't hear a thing. After a few moments, Micah pulled me to the couch and I laid down with my head on his lap. He played with my hair until Tommy dropped into my view. The other two saying something I didn't catch.

"Sleep," Tuarana hummed in my mind. As Micah began to talk, my mind slipped into the dark of unconsciousness. Images of a hurt Noah plagued my mind every time I closed my eyes. It had been days since I had slept. All that I could see was Noah bleeding on the ground. He had looked like he was asleep.

"Everything will be fine."

I don't know who said it. But it didn't matter. Seconds later I was in a deep sleep. When I woke up, I didn't remember anything after Tuarana told me to go to sleep.

Dragons Trust Book 1 - The StartWhere stories live. Discover now