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Ice dropped and shattered. A string of colorful words learned from Noah and the others leaving my mouth. Even using my hands for my magic was hard. How the hell did Noah not need gestures? It was hard enough with them.

I could just picture it. All kinds of magic crawling around Noah like snakes. They would moved as if they had a mind of their own. It was impossible to tell what he wanted them to do. At first, us first year had thought his eyes gave it away. He would look in a direction and they would move. We had devised a plan to attack him from behind one day.

Clinton had asked him to help with training. Noah agreed.

So we did it. What had got us was that he knew. He knew we some of us would go behind him, so he moved to see all of us. Then he looked, and the shadows went the other way.

"You've definitely been around us too much," Marcus snickered. Seeing as how we were together every. single. day. It was bound to happen!

"That's what happens when I have my own personal bodyguards at all times!" I cried. Frustration was gradually setting in. The others made magic look so easy. I was the only one struggling.

"You're too worried about what everyone else will think." Gods damnit Marcus. I swear, it was like he could read my mind sometimes. He was like an older brother I never had. "Just let yourself do it."

His hands moved up, and water from the lake moved with him. It flowed and turned with every movement he made. Everything about it was so natural. Like his magic had been a part of his entire life. Marcus was definitely good at almost everything he did. He and Noah were so alike but so different at the same time. When people saw them together they never even thought twice before dubbing them as best friends.

"You make it look so easy," I sighed. Just getting the water to move was a challenge. And yet, here he was, Marcus, making it dance as if it had a soul.

He laughed. "That's because I've had practice. Do you really think I was this good when learning?" Yes, actually, I did. I nodded.

"One hundred percent. There's no way you weren't," I said honestly. He shook his head with a grin.

"No, not even close. I was just as terrible as you, if not worse," he told me. I didn't believe him one bit. He was always good, even at the stuff he had never done before.

"Just let it happen Birdy. It's just us. I won't judge you for anything, you know this," he reassured. His eyes held something I couldn't read.

I took a deep breath and tried again. The water didn't so much as ripple. How the hell did this work? Most of it was will power and being able to see what you wanted.

Dragons had a natural connection to the elements they belonged to. So in turn their riders got one as well. The bond allowed so many things. Riders could live for hundred of years, immortal unless killed. Magic was a strong thing. The science we had grown up learning meant nothing to it.

Marcus grabbed my wrists and raised them up. "Stop thinking about it so much," he whispered.

So I tried. The only thing that played in my head was the water moving up in a small ball like it had when Noah helped me. A small sphere rose from the surface of the water. It's shape coming and going as I didn't have much control yet.

I ended up getting too excited and it dropped. A small splash rose up and then back down. Ripples were sent out around where it had dropped back in.

Marcus started to jump up and down. "You did it Via!" He yelled. Solona started to bounce around as well. Marcus was definitely the guy we went to for a hype man. He grabbed me and hauled me into the water, picking me up and throwing me as far as he could as quick as he could.

I shrieked until I hit the water. It enveloped me like a cold, wet blanket. When I resurfaced I took a deep breath that was interrupted by more water. Marcus had thrown it at me.

"Do it again!" He demanded. I moved my hands and thought of the same thing I just had. And once again the water moved. We both started to splash around in excitement. He threw more water at me. Of course I was at a disadvantage. He was using his magic. I couldn't.

I could just imagine the water throwing itself at him as I splashed him. He went crazy again. Then I realized it was because it had actually happened. "Yes! Birdy, Yes! That's our girl!"

For some reason, hearing Marcus call me by the name I had been given so long ago, with the excitement of just moving water, it was nice. A giant smile was on his face as he told me to do it over and over again until I was too tired to do so.

After hours of nonstop work we sat on the back of his dragon, who was laying half in the water half out. Neither of us had uttered a word for awhile. Both of us just enjoying the others company. He was the first to break the silence.

"Y'know. Noah always told us you were special. For awhile we all just thought he said it because you were special to him. Even when he told us it was more than that. Now I see why. He could always feel things the rest of us couldn't. I'm starting to think he could sense the Dragon Rider inside of you since the beginning," Marcus looked at me.

I thought to Noah. All of his playful flirting and the way he was much more careful around me than others. Secretly, I had always wished there was more to it. More as in the fact that he did secretly feel the same way about me as I did him.

That would never come true though. He was a pure blood, rider of the King of Dragons, commander of eleven of the strongest legions known to man. Of course he wouldn't feel the same about me.

"What are you thinking about?" Marcus asked, effectively pulling me from my thoughts. I hesitated. If anyone were to know, then I was much more trusting in Marcus than anyone else.

"Do you think Noah could ever love someone like me?" The words tried to stick in my throat. Marcus looked confused.

"What do you mean someone like you?"

I told him.

Someone like me, as in someone who wasn't like him. Someone who wasn't like any of them. They all hailed from powerful families. Mine was a run if the mill commoner family, who couldn't even get powerful familiars mind you. They were all rich. Not to mention their looks. All of them were worthy of being models for the top of the line industries. Everything about them was so vastly different from me.

So, why would anyone like them, like Noah, ever be able to love somebody like me?

"You really don't see it so you?" He asked. He looked sad. Why did he look sad?

"See what?" I asked in return. What did I not see? He shook his head.

"Do you really think any of us care about where you come from? Octavia," I sucked in a breath at my name. It was rarely ever used. Usually it was Via or Birdy. "You are one of the most important things in any of our lives. Especially Noah's. He literally adores you. The dumbass worships the ground you walk on. We all love you." Marcus pulled me into a hug. Not being a person big on physical touch, I hugged him back.

It was nice to think I had an older brother. Someone who I run to whenever I needed. Marcus was that older brother. Him and the other boys meant the world to me. I had been so lost when they had to leave. From the time we had been split to the time I touched the Dragon Stone was a complete blur. Nothing was important enough to stand out when they were gone.

I had my family back.

And I never wanted to lose them again.

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