Stop Drop and Roll

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Ice and water hit Sunny in the chest. He was sent backwards, out of the red lines that marked the area we could move around in.

"You're out!" Clinton called from Ongreth's back. "Octavia and Eric win this round."

Eric scoffed and walked away. I never was able to figure out his problem with me. He was fine with the other two though.

"Hey! Wait a second please!" I ran after him. I was tired of not knowing why he didn't like me. There had to be a way for us to work as a team. Out of all the pairs, we were the weakest together. "Eric!"

"What the hell do you want?" He demanded as he turned around. Of course. Always the cold, dark, brooding one.

"What did I do for you to not like me so much?" I asked. It wasn't a question he could avoid. Not this time. He was going to tell me whether he liked it or not.

"What did you do? Absolutely fucking nothing. How about because you walk around like you aren't some kind of freak. No girl has ever been a Dragon Rider. What makes you so special to be the first?" He snapped but didn't stop there. "You walk around with the Dagen brothers as if someone like you could ever be good enough to be around them. What's worse is that they think you're so fucking perfect. Especially Noah!" I tried to tell him that wasn't how it was. "Shut the fuck up! My family is also a pure bloodline. My parents think it's my fault that I have to be stuck with you. All because you decided to touch that gods damn stone. You don't belong here. You never will. You're like a fucking pick me, begging for someone to protect you because you're so gods damn weak. You will never be enough. For anybody. And you will most certainly never be good enough to be next to pureblood. Just talking to you is a waste of my time. Do us all a favor and disappear!"

That was certainly something. Sadly, I kind of expected it. I had been trying so hard to not seem so dependent on the boys. I had been training everyday. My magic had grown stronger than it had been when Noah left.

How long has it been now that I think about it?

A month and a half.

"I get it. You don't like me. Not a lot of people do. But the thing is, you're stuck with me until next year. May as well get used to me now," I said with a shrug. There was nothing that could be done when the trainee groups were made.

Eric turned and left. What an asshole.

"I could eat him," Tuarana suggested. I could just picture it. Amusement from both of us passed through the bond.

"No, we can't do that sadly," I told her. She huffed but looked out to where the sun was starting its downward track in the sky. I pulled myself up and onto her back and we went to the lake to train for a little bit before we met with Marcus and Micah.


Marcus had tried to make something but I couldn't tell what it was. When I walked into the house it was filled with smoke and both him and Micah were yelling profanities. Pretty sure I heard a few slurs as well.

"It's on fire!" Micah screamed as I entered the kitchen. The stove was most definitely on fire. Marcus threw water from the running sink at it. It just grew bigger. "You dumb ass it's a grease fire!" I stared dumbfounded.

"Well you're a fire rider! Control it!" Marcus cried in response. I couldn't help but laugh quietly.

"Bitch! I can't control a fire like this!" Micah shouted. I laughed a little harder.

What a mess.

"What do you mean you can't control it?! The house is going to burn down!"

"You should have thought about that before dropping shit on the burner!"

"It's not like I was trying to!" Marcus whined. "What then hell did those fire safety things say when we little?"

"I don't fucking Know! Stop, drop, and roll?!" I couldn't keep my laugh quiet anymore. Both boys jumped not knowing I was there.

"Stop laughing and help us damnit!" Tears ran down my cheeks as I laughed harder. When I was able to pull myself together, I grabbed the baking soda from the shelf and poured it over the stove. The fire slowly went out as it was smothered by the powder. Marcus and Micah sighed in relief.

" You're a life saver Birdy," Micah said. Marcus pouted.

"I was trying to make you something nice," he said with puppy eyes.

"Oh, Marcus," I said pulling him down to my level and hugging his face. He huffed but didn't fight me. "How about I do all of the cooking from now on?"

"YOU CAN COOK?! They both yelled. I nodded and laughed. Both boys started to ask questions as we all helped clean up the kitchen. Micah said he would order us a new kitchen set. I thought that was overboard but he said a lot of fires had been started in there, so it was probably better to replace it anyways.

To my surprise, some people showed up to replace the burnt stove and everything else in the kitchen the next day. It was tore apart and replaced within the same day too. I guess magic was a big tool used in everyday life here.

It was so vastly different from the world I had grown up in. No magic, no dragons, barely any familiars. Here magic and dragons were everywhere.

Aside from all of the sexist men, it was beautiful. All colors of dragons could be spotted throughout all hours of the day and night.

All except crimson. It seemed Ares was the only crimson dragon around. And he had been gone, along with Noah, for so long. It was odd not having them here, but we were slowly growing used to it.

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