Last Day

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This was it. The last day of my first year at the Rider Academy. I had done it. I survived my first year. My only regret was that Noah wasn't here. He was still in a coma.

Three months. That was how long it had been. Not once had he given any indication of waking up. Ares hadn't been seen either. We assumed he was with Noah. Refusing to leave his riders side.

My legs dangled over the side of the main island. Being here had changed me so much. And honestly, it was for the better. I didn't need the boys to protect me as much anymore. We could all do our own thing.

And the dress Emily had bought for me a few months ago had yet to be worn. I couldn't bring myself to wear it. Every time I looked at it, my heart sank a little further. Maybe it was because I was waiting for the right time. But I didn't know when that right time would be.

Tuarana burst from the clouds. Her wings changing the shape of the fluffy masses as she flew by. She played, dipping and rising. Shooting ice into them and chirping freely. Watching her like this had become one of my favorite pass times.

"Dragons are beautiful aren't they?" a voice asked. I looked over my shoulder to see the guy that had been waiting on Eric a few months ago.

"I guess," I said cautiously. He watched my dragon. She had felt my change in attention. Her leathery wings fluttered as she latched into the side of the island to look at him.

"Yeah, I guessed you would be a little on guard. Seeing as I go around with Eric a lot," he chuckled. Nothing about what he had said was funny. His boot scuffed the ground. "Can I sit?"

I looked away from him and to Tuarana. She didn't trust him, and frankly, neither did I. I shrugged and he sat down a little closer than I had liked.

It was silent for awhile. Tuaran want back to the clouds, but her attention was clearly on the boy just in case. Neither of us said a word as we watched her.

My mind slipped back to Noah. Was he the reason I couldn't bring myself to wear the dress? Because some part of me wanted to how he would react when he saw it?

Gods I missed him. He was one of the best people I had ever met. Everything about him hit my heart like mallet in a drum. Getting more and more intense with everything he did.

He had only gone to the border to protect the people of this country. To protect us. Noah had almost lost his life defending a country that would simply move on as if he didn't exist. Of course those people couldn't really be blamed.

None of them knew him like we did. None of them knew that he would sacrifice everything to keep the innocent safe. He was a saint sent down to protect those who couldn't protect themselves.

"You we're friends with Noah, right?" The guy asked.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I questioned. A lot of people had asked me that hoping to get some money. It was now a question I tended to avoid answering.

"I was just wondering. It's not everyday you lose someone like that."

What the hell did he know? Noah wasn't dead. He was alive and breathing. Maybe not awake or able to do anything, but he was alive.

This guy was talking about him as if he knew the exact state Noah was in. It was a bit irritating. Of course the people who did lose people like that didn't talk about it much, but it happened more than he realized.

Soldiers were constantly dying on the front lines. Families lost their loved ones everyday. This happened more than anybody would ever care to admit. I understood that there could never be peace with all of the nations. The world needed a bad side.

Humanity needed an enemy to fight. Even if they were the ones that were in the wrong. The human race would never be able to go without war. Of any kind. Nationally, personally, tribally, or even between the factions. There was no peace while we walked this world.

"This isn't a conversation I want to have with someone I don't know," I said bluntly. He had no right to try and talk to me about this. He knew nothing of what the boys and I had been through together.

"Yeah, I should have figured. Not really a polite thing to ask," he rubbed the back of his neck. Another few moments of silence passed. His hand picked at the grass underneath him. I wished he would go away. Anybody that was associated with Eric was red flag. Eventually he stood up and brushed himself off. "I should probably go."

I didn't respond. My eyes trained on Tuarana.

"I'm Bruno by the way."

Dragons Trust Book 1 - The StartWhere stories live. Discover now