Scary Dog Privilege

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Things had been hectic. Dragons found their riders left and right. A few fights even broke out between the dragons. It was expected. Territorial creatures finding their bonds all at once.

Now I stood in between two dragons ready to rip each other apart. Ares waited in the shadows just in case. A growl emitted from one of the dragons throats.

"No!" I snapped at it. The fights had been progressively getting worse. Both of the dragons eyes slitted. Shit.

They both lunged. I jumped out of the way. Snapping jaws and angry growls were loud.

"Noah!" Micah yelled. I looked over in time to see a massive tail sweeping towards me. Normally, if a person ran off of common sense, they would have tried to move. I did run off of common sense, but I was unexplainably stupid. My hands grabbed the tail, I swung up with it. Before it could go back, I let go.

Seconds later, I grabbed onto the orange dragons horns and pulled its head to the ground. Ares burst from the shadows and flared his wings in front of the other one.

Dragons always bowed to their king. The snarls stopped immediately and the dragon lowered its body and tipped it folded wings down. Its head just inches from the dirt and one leg folded underneath it. The dragon I was pinning down copied the movements. I stood and brushed its massive head off.

"Good boy, Noah!" Marcus cheered. Ares let the other two go. Both of them slinking off in different directions to find their bonds. A blood red head nudged my back.

"Don't say that," I grimaced. Marcus and Micah laughed. It had been a long few days. We all wanted to go back to the island. Octavia was the only reason we hadn't yet.

"Noah, you're needed up on the islands." The radio had been speaking all day. It was starting to piss me off in all honesty. My hand went up to my ear so I could respond.

"Tell them I'm busy."

"It's important Noah," Clinton responded. "It's to do with the girl."

"What the hell do they want with her?" I demanded. If anybody thought they could do anything to her, I would make their lives a living hell. "Give me half an hour and I'll be up there." I turned to the other two. They just nodded without me having to say anything. Octavia wouldn't be leaving their sight any time soon.

Ares crouched for me to mount. His wings opened and pushed down, sending us high above the town of Darter. Wind hissed in my ears. What did they want with Octavia? She was none of their concern. I knew the second the stone glowed for her there would be problems.

The school was massive. Housing hundreds of students, new and old. The others and I had a house on a different island. My father wanted me to move into the family estate.

I refused.

Most of my brothers had though. None of them knowing what I kept our father from doing. Not even my older brothers.

Ares landed heavily, causing the ground to shake. His landing also made a loud noise. We could have landed silently, but we wanted the military officials to be scared. Octavia wasn't a tool to use. And she damn sure wasn't going anywhere else. I would, and absolutely could, bring the officials to their knees and make them beg.

I stalked into the school and to the meeting room we commonly used. Officials were already seated, clearly waiting for me.

"What about her?" My orange eyes narrowed on them. Clinton was sat at his usual seat. His arms crossed and no real expression in front of these men.

"First we must call this meeting to or-"

"Tell me what the fuck you want with Octavia. Because she's not going anywhere." My interruption caused them all to flinch slightly. They knew, almost better than anybody, that things would go from zero to a hundred real quick.

"She's not allowed here." A plain and simpler answer. Sadly, an answer I expected. Over my dead body was she leaving.

"That is not up to you," I snapped. An idea burned in my mind. "I mean she can leave," a winning smile came from all of the men around the room, besides Clinton. His frown deepened. "But you lose me and the others. Also half of your army." Shadows crawled towards me. They circled my legs and poised like snakes around my body. The chandeliers on the ceiling flickered. "I will burn this place to the ground for her. Any threats made to her will be reciprocated and multiplied."

Whispers passed around the room. Most of them were shocked I would make a threat that intensive. Some weren't surprised at all. They argued back and forth.

"Fine, you win. She can stay. But, only under the circumstances that she can be placed with the other boys-"

"Do you think I'm fucking stupid? You know what they will do to her. She can stay with us. Either me, or Marcus, or Micah will be with her at all times. That's not a request." These men were pissing me off. If they kept going, the room around us would need to be fixed.

"You are in no position to make demands young man," one of the men said. He was ugly. Round and could be smelled from where I stood. His fingers were chubby, his nose was large and hooked. A pimple sat on his forehead.

"Shut the fuck up. We are not of equal power here. I command eleven of the strongest legions in this nation. I alone am bonded to the Dragon Kind. You, sit on a chair and look like you crawled from a toads ass. I am above you. That is something you need to remember. Now, if this was all you wanted, I'm leaving." Throwing my rank around wasn't something I did often. I wasn't power hungry like other people. The door closed behind me.

The halls were quiet. Older students would be in some class or out training. Once someone got their dragon, classes and training didn't stop until they graduated. Even at that, most went into the military. Some of them would go into politics or something else like fashion or black smithing or construction.

Me and Micah didn't have that choice. Our family was pure blooded Dragon Riders. Just being being pure blooded gave us an automatic advantage. Then we just so happened to bond with two very powerful species of dragons. Ares then turned to be the King of Dragons.

He could control all of the elements of the dragons. Some were easier than others. After we had mastered the dark powers, we moved on. Now we could use all of them fairly well.

"This place will be nothing but rubble if a hostile finger is laid on Octavia."

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