New World Reborn (Part One Prologue)

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[Authors Note: Thank you for checking out my story! If you enjoy, please vote and I hope you enjoy reading the story just as much as I had writing it!

Dedicated to: Nick "Zero" Eozzo. This story wouldn't have been possible without you, bro! ^^ ]

Since the dawn of the human world, the Earth's dominant species has explored, cultivated, and ruled the planet. Eventually, the primitive human world would evolve and spawn countless civilizations across the globe for thousands of years to come. But however, in the midst of the medieval human world's conquest into the new world, an alien mother ship had arrived far above the Earth. On board the mothership were the remnants of an anthropomorphic alien race from a world beyond the stars. The alien mother ship touched down in the heart of the vast northern wilderness of what would become known by the human world as the North American continent. The alien race had quickly utilized their technological sciences, capabilities, and resources to begin rebuilding its lost civilization in these unknown lands that were still untouched by the medieval human societies of the Earth. This new and reborn alien society soon began to explore and expand, but only to discover that they were not alone on this beautiful new world.

The native North American tribes that had lived on the continent long before the alien arrival were weary of the alien anthro settlers at first. But, as the months had turned to years, and the years had turned to decades, the alien society had learned to coexist with the native nations of their new world. The anthro society had learned to understand their languages, establish trade and diplomacy with the native nations, and will go on to ultimately reshape the course of history in this part of the Earth forever.

But by the end of the 16th century, the alien nation had eventually been discovered by the British, French, and Spanish empires. The alien society had already united themselves with the indigenous nations of the land and had long staked their claim to the vast riches of the far North American continent, creating the first democratic society in the new world. The European powers had feared but also come to respect this strange alien race and had established trade and diplomatic ties by the turn of the 17th century.

As the medieval human era entered its final years, the great kingdoms and empires of medieval Europe sought more control and plunged itself into war. Despite having deep ties with both France and the British Empire, the alien nation had secretly invested into the human nation it believed would best serve their interests in this new modern age.

As a result, Great Britain had emerged victorious in the war of the new world. The anthro alien race had petitioned and became recognized as the Republic of Amarok, serving as the Royal Ally of the British Empire. After the nine years of war in Europe and in the North American continent, Amarok established more ties with the human world. The trade that had existed between Amarok and Great Britain expanded. Anthros in the home nation began to further understand the human societies that populated the globe through commerce and trade.

As decades passed, the country of Amarok begins to grow even more prosperous. Human culture begins to reform the anthro society as the anthros further understood human technology, culture, and history. But despite being involved with the human world, Amarok had made it clear that they would adopt a policy of non-intervention by means of military or naval force in human affairs. It did, however, promise economic aid to its foreign allies. Amarok, establishing ties with nations such as the newly founded United States and the Russian empire by the end of the 18th century, further extended its fortunes. However, as the United States sought territory out west by the turn of the 19th century, the American ideals of Manifest Destiny had created border disputes west of the Great Lakes which had led to dozens of anthro towns, farms, and native American land to be annexed by the United States to avoid the outbreak of total war between the two world powers. These regions were however divided into realms of American and Amarok influence. This decision had in turn created a ticking time bomb in the woes of history.

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