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(Y/n) just couldn't understand why they were making such a big deal out of it. Someone waved at her and she had waved back. If that so-called Kazuichi Soda wouldn't be an Ultimate, they would've just asked her why they would care. It was a normal interaction, after all!

"Yes, he waved at me when we looked at each other. Why? Is that something special?" The students turned away from her and at each other. "She's seriously asking us that! Why wouldn't it be something special? He's an Ultimate!" They all nodded in agreement, a little bit too shocked.

Sighing, the (h/c) haired female decided to just finish eating. Spending her lunch break alone was definitely better than that. Those people were only hanging out with her because they were hoping to get close to some Ultimates. Why did she even agree to this? What a stupid decision.

"Is there something romantic going on between you and Kazuichi, (l/n)? If that's the case, you have to tell us about every single detail, okay?" A guy said, seemingly very interested in her, now that he knew she have had contact to some Ultimates and even had interactions with them.

"No, we barely know each other...! Why would you ask me something like that...?!" Shock was written all over her face, which was quite understandable, considering the rude question she had just been asked. The guy raised his hands in defense. "Calm down, it was only a question!"

"Okay..." (Y/n) took her tray and stood up. "I'm sorry, but I think I would rather spend my time somewhere else. Thank you for the invitation, but please never ask me again." She was surprised: Not only did she not stutter, she also didn't feel the uncomfortable feeling she normally had when talking to others.

When she left, the other students couldn't believe it either. Did she really refuse them as friends? Even though she barely had any to begin with? Who would do something like that? Wasn't she glad she was finally being included in the small groups?

"I'm telling you, she lied about the thing with Kazuichi Soda! Why would he wave at someone like her? She was probably too shy to even look at him, so how would she have known that he did that? Ugh, (l/n) is such a d-mn liar, I can't believe it."

The guy of the group only gave a small shrug. "Whatever. The more important thing is: She's friends with Mukuro Ikusaba, that's quite obvious! Imagine if we told Ikusaba how much of a liar she is! Their little friendship would be over in seconds. Ikusaba doesn't take anyone's sh-t."

Completely obvious to what they were saying behind her back, (y/n) walked out of the tall building, needing some well deserved fresh air. The Reverse Course student felt like the air around that table was getting so thick, she probably could have cut it with a knife.

'I should've known something like that would happen. I don't know... It was just a really nice thought: Having friends in the same class, occasionally hanging out with each other, studying together...' Thinking about all that made her feel really sad and even frustrated. Why didn't she just answer calmly?

But when she saw familiar black hair in the distance, her mood immediately brightened. 'There's Mukuro! Maybe we can finally talk to each other! After all, she also talked to me when she pulled me away!' And when she called out to the Ultimate Soldier this time, her head turned towards her.

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