ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪxᴛᴇᴇɴ

482 23 3

That night, (y/n) couldn't sleep at all. Whenever she thought about what had happened between her and the Ultimate Soldier, she immediately turned a dark red. If someone saw her like that, they would've thought she might have a fever. 'Should I just skip school tomorrow?'

For a moment, the (h/c) haired female was actually considering that option, but then she remembered that she really wanted to see Mukuro again. No matter how awkward their interaction from that day might have been, she still had a lot of fun and decided that she wanted to learn how to fight.

"I didn't even ask her if I could get her number..." She muttered quietly, when her phone suddenly beeped, startling her a little bit. "What? Nobody would text me at this hour. Well, no one normally even considers texting me. Are my classmates planning on blowing up my phone now?"

The Reserve Course student wasn't very enthusiastic about finding out who had texted her. Though she would have to eventually use her phone again and see the notification anyways. "Oh, it's an unknown number... Well, obviously..." With a small yawn, she sat up and unlocked her phone to finally read the message.

Her (e/c) eyes widened. It wasn't a text message. It was a single picture sent to her. A photo of her and Mukuro, talking together earlier that day. 'What...? This can't be...! No one was around when we were together! We were careful not to be seen by my classmates!'

(Y/n)'s thoughts were racing. Not in a good way, like when Mukuro and her got close for a second. The female was scared. First of all, who took that picture and where were they hiding to not even be noticed by Mukuro? And second, what if they already sent the picture to her classmates?

'I'm sure this is just a harmless prank, right? This isn't something dangerous or creepy, it's just a funny joke, haha...' She decided to go to sleep. Being paranoid and tired wasn't a very good combination, especially not when attending class and trying to get good grades. Laying back down, the female closed her eyes.

The next day felt like a nightmare. People were staring at her, whispering to each other. Their expressions didn't look too friendly and made her shiver whenever she looked at their faces. Was it really that bad that she and the Ultimate Soldier were friends?

And while the (h/c) haired female was already in class, Mukuro was still with Junko, looking at her phone. It was still an hour until they would met up with their male friend, but the Ultimate Fashionista was already excited. "Kamakura is just the perfect human being, I swear! Ugh, why can't he be my brother?"

They walked through one of the hallways, passing (y/n)'s classroom. The strawberry blonde peeked through one of the windows of the room as they walked by, raising an eyebrow afterwards. "What the heck? Why are all of these losers staring at (l/n)? Did they find a new photo or something?"

The Ultimate Soldier stopped dead in her tracks, looking back down the hallway, debating if she too should take a look. "And they're doing that in class. Seriously, is the teacher that sh-tty? Why isn't that d--chebag saying anything? Glad I'm not a talentless Reserve Course student."

Mukuro was only listening to her sister with one ear. Was her friend really being harassed by these people again? If so, she would really want to teach them all a memorable lesson. She hated how the female she liked quite a lot was being treated. "Junko, I will be away for a bit when lunchtime comes around."

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