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"What do you want?" Mukuro seemed a little bit confused, turning towards the seemingly excited Reverse Course student. "I was wondering if we could maybe talk a little bit...?" Her cheeks reddened, leaving the Ultimate Soldier even more confused. Why were her cheeks getting red? Did she have a fever?

"Talk? What for?" Raising an eyebrow, the black haired female crossed her arms. "Just... Some small talk...?" (Y/n) was starting to grow red again. Why was it so hard to start a conversation with the girl she liked? And why did she have to like Mukuro Ikusaba, not someone else?

"And why would I want to have some 'small talk' with you? My sister is waiting for me." Sighing, the Ultimate Soldier turned her back towards the (h/c) haired girl. "Just so you know: I may have saved you from these nosy people, but that doesn't make us friends."

"I-It doesn't...?" The Reverse Course student had already known that fact before she even approached Mukuro. But hearing her say it with her own voice made her heart hurt a little bit. "No, it doesn't. I generally don't make any friends, so don't take it personal, I guess."

As the black haired female made her first step towards another hallway, someone laid their arm around (y/n)'s shoulders. "There ya are, been waiting for ya for so long now, b-tch!" Junko's voice laughed as a (e/c) pair of eyes stared at her. 'Why is she...?'

"Who's that gray mouse anyways?" Her light blue eyes shifted towards said student. "She wanted to talk to me, but it wasn't that important. Can we go now?" Letting out another small sigh, Mukuro seemed eager to finally leave the hallway that some people were already gathering in again.

"Aww, come on, don't be so fricking lame, we can take her with us, right? Glad you finally found a friend, ya loser!" The strawberry blonde couldn't help but tease her sister, wanting to anger said female a little bit. While doing so, she completely ignored the person she was still holding onto.

And it definitely had worked. Slightly embarrassed, Mukuro waved her left hand around, trying to wave them off. "You know I don't make any friends, stop that!" Grinning, Junko finally let go of (y/n), who was trying to hide her red face. Her and Mukuro being friends?

"And you!" Pointing one of her red fingernails at (y/n), the Ultimate Fashionista huffed. "Aren't you that b-tch that everyone thinks we're friends with? Knock that off, will ya? I'm not gonna be friends with some talentless losers! Let's go, Mukuro!" Junko put a pair of sunglasses onto the bridge of her nose.

"I- I didn't tell them anything like that, I swear...! I actually told them Ikusaba and me barely know each other...! I really wouldn't want to tarnish your reputation, Enoshima...!" The only thing that she received was a harsh glare from the strawberry blonde.

"I hope so, wouldn't want to embarrass you! But it could be so much fun!" Her glare turned into a grin as she gave a small laugh. "Anyways, we really gotta go now. We don't want to keep Kamakura waiting!" Her heels made some clicking sounds as she began to walk off.

Even though Mukuro didn't want to talk to (y/n) - at least it seemed so -, she still turned towards her for a second. "Don't take what she said too seriously." That was the only thing she said before following her sister. 'Oh no...' The student thought. 'People are staring again.'

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