A quiet movie, (with Robin)

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Robin sits up for a moment.

After she spoke with Murray on the phone the other day about how she acted around Nancy, she had realized something. Something terrible. She had a small crush on Nancy. The straightest girl she had ever met. Even worse, it's her best friend's ex! She had no idea what to do, especially since they were going to the movies tonight.

Robin was sort of relived though, because she couldn't figure out why she was acting so strange around Nancy. But she still didn't figure out why Nancy deals with her still.

"Rob," Nancy says out of nowhere. Robin jolts her head to Nancy.
"Sorry just thinkin, about... Stuff!"

Robin lets out a sigh and stands up. She offers her hand to Nancy to help her up. Nancy accepts it and asks, "What time is the movies?"
"Like in a hour. HOLY SHIT A HOUR. The movies is a half hour away from my house!" Robin panics and starts rapidly looking around the room.

"We should probably leave soon then, wait what are you looking for?" Robin picks something up that appears to be a bag of skittles.
"Expired skittles!" Nancy makes a face and laughs a bit while Robin awkwardly laughs along.


They arrive at the movie theatre and Robin was so excited that she was practically saying every thought that popped into her mind.

"Ooo what are we going to get to eat? Popcorn, or candy? What about both? I forgot to dress nice," Robin goes on and on while Nancy doesn't stop her and just smiles.
"Why would you have to dress nice? Its just the movies." Nancy was genuinely curious while asking. Robin shrugged. They walked into the movies and started ordering the food and ticket.

"Hi could we get popcorn and skittles please," Nancy says while smiling politely. The woman gives her skittles and popcorn along with a ticket. "Enjoy ladies!"

They soon head into the actual theatre itself and Robin could not keep her eyes off of Nancy. Nancy noticed Robin staring at her as they took their seats and Robin looked away.

The big screen turns on and the movie starts to play. Robin was passed the skittles. "Here are some non- expired skittles," Nancy says. Robin smiles. She eats the skittles while the movie plays.


Nancy's pov.

As Nancy was watching the movies, she realizes Robin had stopped talking. She was talking most of the movie, but suddenly stopped after a few minutes. She looks over and sees a sleeping Robin.

Nancy thought it was cute for some reason. She tried to get that thought away from her mind, but just as she did, another thought came creeping. It was a way worse one and she had no idea where it came from.

Her eyes fall down to Robin's hand. Why does she wanna hold it so badly? Isn't that weird? She lays her hand on Robin's for a split second. She quickly removes her hand incase Robin was actually awake. Robin stayed sleeping. Nancy puts her hand back on top of Robin's and keeps it there this time. Her hand was so warm and it comforted Nancy.


"Rob? Wake up the movie's over." Nancy removes her hand before Robin realizes.
"Huh..? Oh I fell asleep?" Robin says with a low voice, as she just woke up.
"Yeah, the movie ended let's go," Nancy whispers.
"Why are you whispering?"
"I don't know shut up," Nancy giggles a little.

They leave the theatre and Nancy drives them back to Robin's house since they were having a sleepover. But Nancy couldn't keep her mind off of Robin. She held her hand. She doesn't even know why she did that. All she knows is that she would want to hold her hand again, or even hug for a long time without letting go.

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