The pool

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"Do you like this one?" Nancy held up a purple bathing suit with a flower design, smiling.
"Ew no way, that's more of something you'd like." Robin sighs and continues to roam the store. Nancy laughs in the distance.

After Eddie and Steve said Nancy and Robin could tag along with them to the pool, they had to go bathing suit shopping. Robin hated bathing suits because of how much skin they show. Also other reasons. Like how uncomfortable some are, or all the bright colors that were in fashion. But one bathing suit finally caught her eye.

"Nance I found the perfect one for me!" Robin holds up a basic black one piece bathing suit.
"Thats so basic," Nancy playfully rolls her eyes.

Robin rolls her eyes too. Then Nancy shows Robin her bathing suit she picked out. It was a bikini that was like a pastel yellow. Robin had realized she is going to see Nancy wear that. She wasn't prepared to see that at all.. Not in a bad way, its just she didn't want to act more strange around her.


Nancy and Robin are walking next to each other heading to to pool while Steve and Eddie are ahead of them. Nancy was oblivious to how how nervous Robin actually was. Robin had a million thoughts crossing her mind at once, as usual. Suddenly, she tripped over a rock from not paying attention to anything around her.

Nancy immediately stops walking and says in a panicked tone, "Oh my god Robin are you okay?!" Robin groans in pain. She felt her chin throbbing. "No actually... I don't think I am."

Steve and Eddie then stop walking too. They rush over to Robin.
"Shit are you okay Robin?!" Steve lowers to Robin's level as she sits up. Nancy also meets robin's level.

There was a huge scrape on her chin, bleeding like crazy. "Ha ha I kind of feel light headed," Robin puts her hand on her chin and looks back at her palm. "Oh god blood, holy shit holy shit-"
"Robin calm down," Nancy says while grabbing her non-bloody hand and squeezing it to comfort Robin.

"There's blood, a lot," Robin says with a scratchy voice. She wasn't known for crying but she did feel her eyes water because of how bad it hurt. Nancy grabs Robin's bloody hand and places it on the ground. Nancy uses her free hand to cup Robin's cheek.

"Listen, we can go home if you want, or we can stay here and I can clean your wound up. You'll be okay it's just a bad scrape," Nancy reassures. Robin forgets about the pain she's in for a second because of the fact Nancy's hand was literally on her face. It was so soft. She also observed Nancy's hair for a second too for some reason. It was in a mini ponytail. She blinks out of her trance because she feels another throb of pain.

Although her chin still hurts, she manages to spit out, "We can stay here, thank you Nancy."
Nancy smiles and removes her hand from Robin's face, while squeezing her hand.


Robin waves her legs around in the pool while glancing back and forth at Nancy. She had a piece of Nancy's cover up covering her chin to stop the bleeding.

"Thank you for like, yeah, caring?" Robin smiles.
"Why wouldn't I care about you? Your my friend."

The word "friend" stung as she said it, but Robin was surprised that she said she cares about her so it was bittersweet. She appreciated it.

"Little Johnny in 5th grade who bullied me definitely didn't care," Robin laughs.
Nancy smiles and looks away. Robin really wanted to hold Nancy's hand, but was afraid to.

She wanted to see how Nancy reacted, so finally she placed her hand on top of Nancy's. Nancy didn't flinch, she just looked at Robin, whose was avoiding eye contact. She accepted it and interwined her fingers with Robin's carefully, because she also got scrapes on her hands.

They sat there in silence for awhile, before Nancy let go of Robin's hand and stood up. Robin turned her head to meet Nancy's eyes.

"Where are you going?"
"Swimming, do you want to come? If your chin doesn't still hurt though of course.

Robin smiles and nods. Her wound still hurt but she really wanted to swim with Nancy. Nancy took off her cover up and so did Robin. Robin blushed as she saw Nancy's bathing suit, trying to only look at her face. She looked good in the bathing suit.

They both then walk into the pool.
"Nancy oh god it's so cold,"
"Wuss," Steve says laughing, out of nowhere. Robin rolls her eyes and looks at Nancy since she was being awfully quiet. Nancy was staring at someone other than Robin.

Robin's smile drops. Nancy was staring at Steve.

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