Dear Nancy

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Nancy's pov
"Yep! Yeah it does don't worry haha anyways I've got to go I have some, business to do. Plus it is late. Bye Nance love you!"
Nancy heard the other end go silent. She assumes Robin hung up. She sits there for a second with the phone in her hand not saying a word. Did Robin just say she loves her? She didn't know how she felt right now, but she felt this tight feeling in her stomach. Some may describe it as, "butterflies".

Suddenly,Nancy felt her face heat up. She questioned why she actually really liked when Robin said that. She tries to brush it off and go on with her day but she just couldn't for some reason. Her brain was repeating Robin's words over and over again. She decides to go for a late night walk to clear her mind.

As she opens the door, a letter at her doorstep caught her eye. It had messy handwriting reading, "Dear Nancy," on the envelope. She wonders when Robin wrote this since it arrived late at night.

Nancy crouches down to grab it and immediately re-enters the house. She runs up to her room and jumps onto the bed to read it.
She carefully rips the front and pulls out a piece of paper.

"Dear Nancy,

Would you like to go to the carnival tomorrow? Or this week? After my job of course. Also ignore what I said last night it was an accident, let's not make things awkward between us please?

From, Robin"


Robin pov

Robin sits on her bed kicking her legs. She wondered what Nancy was doing right now and if she's reading the letter right now. Robin bad rode her bike to Nancy's place so the letter would deliver quicker. It took 20 minutes just to ride her bike, though. She had wish she just knocked on her door and asked if she could stay for the night. Obviously, she turned right back around and ended up home again.

Then, Robin had a particular thought cross her mind. Did she like or love Nancy? After what she said earlier on accident over the phone, she didn't know how she really felt about Nancy anymore.


Robin slowly opens her eyes to the bright sun on a early morning. She reaches over to her alarm and clicks a button to turn it off. She gets out of bed and get's dressed for work. As she leaves her house, A letter was at her doorstep. It was from Nancy. She got excited so she grabbed it to read at work.


"Goodmorning Steve!" Robin says while walking in the store, in a good mood.

"Goodmorning? Did something happen? You seem in a better mood than usual," Steve looks at Robin then the envelope she was holding.

Robin gets behind the counter and starts to open the envelope, trying not to rip it but does anyways. "Nope nothing happened at all!"

Inside was a neatly folded paper. She slid the paper out and read it. Steve was just staring at her because of how unusually happy she was this morning.


Sure :) I love the carnival!! We can go this upcoming weekend, on a Saturday. Just us right? Call me then and we can talk about the time.


Saturday was two days away, and she got more excited than she did about going anywhere else with Nancy. Or maybe it's because she wanted to win a prize for Nancy, even though she sucks at those crappy carnival games.

"Sooo, you going to tell me what that is," Steve eventually points out. Robin jokingly rolls her eyes.

"A letter from Nancy, she said we can go to the carnival this weekend. Thats why I'm in a "better mood" according to you," Robin replies, smiling at the piece of paper. She thought it was adorable that Nancy used the smily face.

"Oooh, so is something finally going on between you two?" Steve teases.
"No! I mean, I don't know! Sometimes we hold hands I guess, but thats normal for close friends to do, right? Don't you and Eddie do it sometimes?"

Steve makes a face at the mention of him and Eddie holding hands, since they only have once and that was an accident. "No Robin, it's not. I think it's just you guys because you guys clearly like each other." Robin sighs and puts her hands on the counter. "I wish she liked me."

Steve was about to reply with something until a customer came in. Robin was left alone with movie tapes, and her obnoxiously loud thoughts. But she knew that she just couldn't wait two days to hang out with Nancy. She hadn't been this excited since the first time they hugged, or held hands.

(Sorry its a bit shorter than usual! I ran out of ideas, but next chapter will be eventful.)

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