🌹Earlier on the airship 🌹

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10/15/24 UPDATE: omg wtf was this.. CUT OUT SOME PARTS BC THOSE WERE NOT IT.

Warning: Gay (for homophobic people or people with a religion that doesn't support LGBTQ+)


Me begging for potates

Espresso's POV:

Just my luck. As always, I just have to be with Madeleine! What does that preposterous light magic user have to do with me! He always has to be with me. It's almost as if the universe wants us to stick together till the very end. Ugh...

Nobody's POV:

"ESPRESSO COOKIE!!" Madeleine came over and hugged Espresso. "The divine has blessed me to work with you again! Aren't you happy?" "In case you've forgotten, I am not that pleased." Espresso said.

Madeleine's POV:

Surely, he's kidding right? Who wouldn't love me after all! Maybe he's cranky..

"Espresso did you get any sleep for the quest?!" I said. Goodness he needs some rest.. "No, I only plan on drinking coffee and you know it well." "ESPRESSO! THAT'S NOT GOOD FOR YOU!!"

"And why would you care?"

"Well, because you're my b-... f-friend..!"


Oh divine I'm red as fu**. Please send mercy. At least it didn't seem like he heard the last statement!

Espresso's POV:

Was he about to call me his boyfriend?! Oh my, out of everyone?? Why does it have to be MADELEINE.

I remember what he did to get me to go to sleep! (Madeleine put Benadryl on his coffee) imagine what he does next!

"Aha! The divine has blessed me with a great idea, you must sleep while we are in the airship, at least for 3 hours essy!"

"And what makes you think I'm going to do that?"

"W-Well, I will find a way! I'm the great Madeleine Cookie after all!"

Not this light magic user thinking that I will sleep especially not when we are doing this quest for the ancient heroes!

We boarded on the airship after Madeleine said goodbye to all his fans. Jeez, his fangirls were a drat! I swore they got more annoying day by day.

Time skip to when they are in the airship—

Madeleine's POV:

Haha! Now here's my chance to get him to sleep! There is a bed here after all! And I can go to sleep right after he finally decides to!

"ESSY! Can you please come?!"



"My my, what is it?"

"You need to rest while you can Espresso, you should know that even a mage should rest! The Vanilla Kingdom should be a time for you to stay awake, maybe I might get some fans there too!!" This man really needs to get some sleep, even if that means sleeping with him so he won't get out.

Espresso's POV:

There is no way I will give in to this light magic user! But, I haven't slept in 4 days..sh** I'm going to crash soon. Ugh..

"If that gets you to stop with your ridiculous orders than might as well be it."

I then went to the bed and closed my eyes. I'm not asleep right now though.

Madeleine's POV:

Huh, that was easier the expected! Huzzah! The Great Madeleine Cookie got his boyfriend to sleep! Wait, boyfriend...

I got red of the thought of essy being my boyfriend. He's so dang amazing I wonder what would happen if he heard my question earlier. No Madeleine! He most probably dislikes you.. you should just get to bed..

I look around for somewhere to take a nap but then I realize there is only one bed.

I hope Espresso wouldn't mind.

I got in the bed and laid down next to Espresso. It was still cold in there despite the blanket. I'd much rather be warm and get scolded later than have a bad rest! I hugged espresso.

Let's just hope he doesn't know about this..

"Goodnight essy." I whispered

Espresso's POV:

Who is hugging me?! Did they think I was asleep?!
I opened my eye and found Madeleine right next to me. I got very red by this and had a million questions on my mind. But huh..this does seem a bit comfy. Hmph, if Madeleine didn't mind hugging me I should just be able to hug him back.
Wait, what am I doing? What if he doesn't like it? No, he is Madeleine after all..
Ugh, can't believe I'm doing this with this light magic user

I then heard Madeleine say: "Goodnight essy"

I hugged Madeleine, who was already fast asleep. Honestly, I could get used to this. Way more comfortable like this than being alone. Then I fell asleep.

Nobody's POV:

—3 hours later—

*insert annoying alarm*

Madeleine and Espresso wake up, realizing they are on each other. The pair turned really red questioning themselves what they were doing. (Haha they did each other)

Madeleine tried to stay calm at the situation and began to break the awkward silence

Madeleine's POV:

Why was I cuddling with Espresso? What happened?

I then remembered what I did earlier.

Oh no, what if he knows what I did he might not like me at all anymore! Just act like you don't remember anything Madeleine..

"So how was your sleep Espresso?"

"I-It was quite good."

"Were you perhaps, comfortable with my presence?"

"It could be whatever you want.."

"No nightmares?"

"N-No everything is under perfect control."

"Essy, I know that tone. What happened?"


Hm, if he won't tell me I will comfort him myself! No one can resist my charm after all!

I hugged Espresso

"Please tell me what's wrong Essy, I can see you're not in a good condition."

Huh. He hugged back..SOMETHING must have happened.

"I don't want to talk about it."
"Perhaps you'd feel safer if we hold hands while we're at the Vanilla Kingdom it's only 10 minutes until we get there!"

"I suppose we can."


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