🌹💋7 Minutes In.. (NSFW VER) 🌹💋

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A/N: This is the NSFW version! Go to the chapter above or bellow for the SFW Version!!


Madeleine knew this was going to be a horrible idea.

Turning 29 was great, so was his birthday party with all his friends. That's not the part he's talking about.

No, the part that's turning terrible is as soon as they went to Eclair's house to "have some fun". Everybody was telling him to accept the offer, to "loosen up a bit", and eventually he reluctantly agreed, but only on the condition that they all not get too drunk, he knows what his friends are like.

And now here they all are, sitting in a big circle playing Truth Or Dare, a few empty bottles discarded in the corner and red solo cups littered around the guest room. It truly was the party cliché.

Everybody is at least a little tipsy, including Madeleine. He tried not to get too wasted so that he could still function when it was time to go home and so he could fool his mom and aunties into thinking it was innocent, knowing they would check in after the party.

Yam, Milk, Latte, Raspberry, Espresso, Eclair, Kumiho, Lilac, Yogurt Cream and himself. All playing Truth Or Dare... this is a disaster.

"Hmmm..." Kumiho thinks. "Eclair, truth or dare?"

Eclair frowns, he's one of the drunkest people here so Kumiho couldn't be expecting too much of a coherent response. "Uhhhh... truth..?"

Kumiho grins. "Okay~ Hmm, how about..." Kumiho thinks again.

"How many girls have you kissed?" Raspberry interjects.

"How many boys have you kissed?" Yam challenges, narrowing his eyes at Eclair.

Kumiho snaps her head towards them. "Hey! This is my question!" She says, waving off their questions. "Okay, Eclair."

Eclair turns to look at Kumiho from the other side of the circle. He's sitting next to Espresso and leaning on him slightly, Latte can almost taste the alcohol smell coming from him, that's how drunk he is.

"Yeah...?" Eclair asked.

Kumiho smirks. "Have you ever kissed a boy?"

That certainly wakes Eclair up, his eyes going a bit wide. "Wh-What?!" he yelled angrily.

Everybody in the circle giggles a bit. "Answer the question, Eclair." Latte says sweetly.

Eclair blushes. "N-No?? No I haven't." He says, slurring his words a bit.

Kumiho smiles. "Aaalriiight. You're turn then, Eclair."

"Okay.. Yam, truth orrr dareee?" Eclair asks.

Yam raises an eyebrow. "Dare."

Eclair thinks for a moment.

"Espresso, what do I fucking say?" Eclair asks, whispering into Espresso's ear.

Espresso turns to him and shrugs. "I don't know.. maybe just.. I don't know."

Eclair thinks again before Yam yells at him to ask the dare.

"O-Okay, okay.. Yam.. do a cartwheel." Eclair says.

Yam looks slightly dumbfounded as laughter erupts around the circle.

Yam sighs. "Fuckin' fine, I'm not a pussy!" He says, standing up and letting the circle clear in front of him so he had room to do the cartwheel.

Yam frowns at the floor in front of him. Madeleine knows that this is a recipe for disaster, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't intently watching to see Yam utterly fail at this.

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