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A/N: more people read my oneshots UwU

Also school is in less than a month 💀💥🔫



Angst at the start

Offensive (kind of)



Madeleine's POV:

Haha! Another day in such a graced kingdom... I suppose this is the moment of truth. Will Espresso like me back?

Nobody's POV:

Madeleine was going to ask Espresso out, he got track of his sleep schedule and figured he had a day off tomorrow

Sparkling, Herb, Alchemist, and Snow Sugar knew about this, they wished Madeleine the best of luck!

Madeleine started to pace back and forth, wondering if it is the right time then he drifted off to sleep.

Madeleine's POV:

I got out of bed and went onto patrol only to find Espresso.

Espresso's here... do I confess?

"Hey Essy! Can we talk about something important?" I said

"I must refuse, too busy."

"Ess, promise that it is quick!"

"Well, spit it out?"

"So um Espresso, would you like to go out with me?"

"Hm, what's this for?"

"Well, we can hangout! As friends.."

"Hm, I will think about it. What time does it supposedly start?" Espresso said

"It starts..6:00 PM!"

"Alright, I am free. Hope this is worth my time."

Later during the day (3:00) —

"Aha! Don't worry Madeleine, I have been in the same place when confessing to Herb!" Sparkling said

"Yeah! It's all good to get it off your chest." Snow Sugar said.

"Ehh, wish you the best in luck. Though you probably don't need it since you guys seem to be in each other's presence 24/7" Alchemist said.

"Thanks fellow cookies! I'll do my best to follow your advice!" I said

—6:00 PM—

"Hello Espresso!" I hugged him tight.

We both went to a common hangout spot, except around this time there would be nobody there. Perfect place to confess

Me and Espresso surprisingly talked for 2 hours then we were observing the stars, well at least he was. The way his eyes shine in the moonlight we're too pretty for me too look at forever. Everything about him makes me happy.

He noticed this and got pink blush started to decorated his cheeks. Then we were both staring at each other for a good 5 minutes.

Moonlight Cookie seemed to notice and came down saying "Are you two alright? You have been staring at each other for a while. You guys a thing?"

Espressleine OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now