💔He needed more than me💔

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'I'm friendly, and thoughtful, and quite awfully pretty, but he needed more than me.'

I would make a summary but I said, "Yeahhh, no." - A/N


For since adulthood, Espresso had worked his way to the top.

He had short dark brown hair, could perform the most complex coffee spells, and an meticulous attitude that has earned respect from cookies around him. As a result, he felt reasonably satisfied and felt the only thing left to make him complete was his goal to master the art of coffee magic.

And he really thought.

Another cookie, was his comrade throughout various missions, he was popular, social, and strong. He had everything served to him on a silver platter. A huge contrast from the coffee connoisseur. He was even blessed from the divine, from the softest hair to the gift of Light Magic. "Opposites" would be a understatement, they were complete opposites.

Their differences, however, couldn't stop Espresso from getting distracted by this man.

The two would go on quests, a lot. And when they didn't, one would find a reason to go to the other. And over the months of the pair talking, fighting together, Espresso would find himself feel warm and fuzzy around the Knight. Maybe daydreaming of the Paladin on the uncommon occasion of not being occupied with studies and experiments.

"What did you just say?" Madeleine uttered in shock.

It was nothing, at least the mage wished he said nothing. Espresso wished that in the was perfect evening, he would have found strength to confess his feelings once more. Another day, another effort, and just a cut deep in his heart.

Nothing he couldn't handle, right? He endured worse, so much worse. He had been through so much, reasonably worse, without collapsing, without his heart dropping to the bottom of his stomach, but this was different.

The scenery was now blurred from the tears forming up in the mage's eyes. He had no right to cry, he thought; more so in front of Madeleine, who he owed a heavy apology. But he had spent countless months trying to flee the roar of the storm inside of him inside. This was the last step to his downfall, and he was heading towards it hopelessly.

"I like you Madeleine."


"Mhm." Espresso responded, not able to talk without a shaky voice ready to burst into tears.

Silence. Espresso looked up at the stars, holding back from what would be choked sobs. He wished that this moment could be over with already. He could feel tears tickling the dough on his face, but didn't find the strength to wipe them away. Both knew what the silence meant. It means Espresso has failed, it means he has ruined the moment, a chance from his comrade.

"This is.. awkward..." Madeleine tried faking a laugh, lighten up the mood but no, the sound of Espresso crying reaches his ears. His eyes widened at the sight, taken back a little by this unbelievable sight. His friend, crying because of him out of every other cookie. Even with Espresso's hand on his mouth, his cry was still audible and vivid to the Knight.. and Madeleine hated it. He hated the sound, the sight that he just could not bear to stand.

"Espresso please no.. don't do this.."

Madeleine scooted closer to Espresso putting his hand on his friend's shoulder for comfort, somewhat getting a feeling his presence made it more unbearable for Espresso to cope. Espresso's breathing pattern became more unstable, his cries sounded more like a panic attack than anything else.

Madeleine bit his lips, trying his best to not cry as well, he hated how sensitive he could be. But it felt right to cry in this case. The sight of his best friend had wrenched him. Yes he'd love him no matter what, just not in the way his friend had wished.

"Espresso.. what are you.." Madeleine started yet feeling lost of words "Please, cmon.. don't do this" his voice cracked, sadness becoming obvious in his tone.

"I'm sorry, Madeleine."

"No, don't hate me don't hate me don't hate me don't hate-"


"No, please, stop."

By now both faces had been drenched in tears (especially Espresso's). Madeleine kneeled down to Espresso's level to properly face him, his friend's face looking red, soggy, and puffy like the mad man he was. His stupid feelings would make him lose his closest friend, and he couldn't even enjoy the sight. This thought only made him cry harder, he wished he was silent, he wished he didn't have feelings for the radiant knight.

"Espresso, listen." Madeleine started, his voice shaking at the sight of his friend's sniffles. "I love you, a lot, it is just.. you're my best friend, my comrade, and that's enough for me. I'm so sorry Espresso" He sighed, he held Espresso's hands, which was completely cold, contrasting from the heat on his face.

"You're my best friend in the whole world and I don't want to change it okay?"

He already regrets saying that, didn't it sound heroic, patronizing? It's not as if Espresso can just change his feelings! "I don't want to change it" you're such a selfis-

"I'm.. g-glad." Espresso hiccuped between sobs, finally wiping his tears.

"I thought nothing would be fine between us if I told you." He paused, breathing in wiping his sniffles away "I thought you would hate me, I thought you would think I'm disgusting and gross."

Madeleine widened his eyes at the mage, yet somewhat forming a pained, but healed smile on his face. He embraced the mage and felt a set a cold arms return the hug.

"I'm honored, and thankful you told me. I could tell it was probably difficult for you to hold it in, so I hope it could mayhaps.. make your life a bit smoother." Madeleine said, he broke the embrace and saw tears running down Espresso's face.

"Espresso! I wouldn't be able to sleep if you leave here crying!"

"Apologies, I'm just happy.. I let it out. I'm glad you're still my best friend. I'm grateful for that."

"Of course Espresso! You're my best friend. I'll love you forever."

Espresso left, with a pained but relieved smile on his face.

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