🌹Stop Shipping Us!🌹

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Espresso's POV:

Everyone is pestering me about shipping me and Madeleine! It's not even funny. I don't like that Light Magic user at least I don't think so.

Madeleine's POV:

How strange.. everyone is thinking me and Espresso are together. I'm not complaining but I wonder how that happened.

Me and Espresso are just best friends..nothing more!

Espresso's POV:

I went to the Juice Bar to clear my head and guess who also showed up? Madeleine.

"Hi Espresso Cookie~!" Madeleine said. Ugh, so happy to see me..

"Oh? It seems your boyfriend arrived Madeleine!" Mint Choco said while Cocoa scolded him for teasing.

Madeleine chocked on his Cream Root Beer and went red.

I ignored him while Sparkling put a barstool for me to sit.

"Heeyyy Espresssoo~! *hic* What's going on today *hic* at this fiinee weatheerrr~?" Vampire slurred he was as "sober" as usual.

"Nothing much." I replied

"Oh? Espresso! What would you like? Feel like trying something new tonight?" Sparkling said.

"You mean trying to ride Madeleine's dick?" Strawberry Crepe said.

"CREPE! We are here to feed the crows drinks! Not to be dirty minded!" Black Raisin scolded.

"Y-Yeah! Me and Espresso aren't dating." Madeleine said

"Uhm, I'd like the usual." I said

Another day in this horrendous kingdom. Shipping me with Madeleine?! That should be more illegal than Chili Pepper's crimes

Sparkling went over to make the drink and slid it all across the table to me.

I then drank and paid then I left before anyone could say anything about that himbo and I.

On the way back I ran into Latte.

"Oh, hey Espresso!" Latte said

"Hi." I said

Latte's POV:

Hehe, I see everyone trying to play matchmaker with Espresso and Madeleine. Time for my fun!

"So, how was your date with Madeleine at the Juice Bar?" I said

"LATTE! We are not dating and I wouldn't allow some preposterous Light Magic himbo to get with me."

"Oh? Then why are you guys always seen together? Why do you guys blush so hard when you are around each other?! Must I spill more? Why did Madeleine sleep with you at least fi-" I was interrupted by Espresso.

"...Latte you didn't have to mention that." Espresso said

And so fate does its trick and here comes Madeleine

"Hey Espresso!" Madeleine said

"Yes hello." Espresso said

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