Chapter 5

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Guess who was right about the makeup thing, and Lydia? That's right, me. But, it didn't bother me. I was still thinking about how I got into bed. Did Derek take me home, or did me drug me, and drop me off. All I remembered was the conversation, and everything going black.

The final bell rang, and I just took my time going outside. Tomorrow night was the first game. Lacrosse was big in this town, I guess. From what Lydia said, everybody comes to cheer on BHHS, but more importantly, Jackson Whittemore. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, he was my friends boyfriend, but he's still a high class douche. Just cause he's dating my friend, doesn't mean I have to like him.

Since I was way too lazy to walk home, I just walked out to the bleachers with Lydia and Allison. The gossipped, and I just kind of thought about my other problems. Well, I really didn't have any... Just the fact that I'm actually getting close to people. When's the next time I move?

"What about you, Ylva?" Allison, who was next to me, asked.

Instead of trying to hide the fact that I wasn't listening, I just went, "What?"

Lydia rolled her eyes, climbing up the bleacher stairs.

Allison, the nice friend she is, smiled, "Do you have a thing for someone?"

Lydia was now interested, as we sat, "Give us all the juicy details."

I rolled my eyes, "I don't know. I haven't really had time."

Lydia rolled her eyes, "Yeah, uh huh."

This time, I rolled my eyes, "I don't know, Lydia. A majority of the schools male population looks at you, so..."

I'm pretty sure that set Lydia off because she just stopped talking. Nice.

Sighing, I continued to watch the practice. Stiles was sitting on the bench, and cheering on Scott. This continued the whole practice. The silence from Lydia, and the cheering from Buzz Cut. The practice seemed to go on for eternity. I was quickly getting bored. Allison ended up leaving before Lydia. And Lydia stayed until her boyfriend was knocked down.

Jackson lay on the grass, seeming to writhe in pain. Douche. Lydia ran to rescue, while I just watched.

"Cheeky bastard got what he deserved." I grumbled.

An ambulance was called, and practice was cut short.


Home was what I was waiting for. I was stuck in the back seat, while qym bags were thrown in the trunk of the old blue jeep.

I crinkled my nose as the boys got into the car, "You guys stink. Well.... Scott does. Stiles, you not so much."

Stiles scoffed, "Yes, you're hilarious."

"I know." I leaned back, the stench getting more potent, "Oh, god. Can we please roll down the windows?"

Stiles cranked his down, as did Scott and I. Halfway home, Scott started to grip his head like it was going to explode. Stiles stomped on the brakes.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Stiles asked hurriedly.

Scott pulled something out of the glove box, "You kept it?"

"Kept what?" I asked, decided on being curious.

Before anyone could answer, Scott got out of the jeep and ran into the woods.

"SCOTT!" Stiles shouted.

Stiles drove as fast as he could to his house. He hopped out as soon as he could, and I followed.

"Stiles." He ignored me, "Stiles." He continued to go through his room, "STILES." He stopped, and looked at me, "What is going on?"

"A lot. No time to explain. Gotta go. Go home, Ylva." He left the room, and I followed, "I said go home." Stiles was still in a hurry.

"Explain to me. Now." I stood my ground.

Stiles continued to ignore me, but stopped, "Listen, I would. But, I have to find Scott."

I stopped, and left. I didn't hear his movement. I just left. I walked across the street, and opened my door.

"What's your problem, Eel?" Sam asked, shoving his face full of cheese-its.

"Not now, Samuel." I grumbled, going upstairs.

He let it go, and turned on the TV. Something was going on. When Scott pulled out the rope, it let out a scent. It was amazing. Flowers... sweet flowers. That's what it smelled like.

Scott didn't like it.

I rummaged through my files of werewolf articles, and beastiaries.

All had the same thing in common.

Werewolves= poisoned by wolfsbane.

Is Scott a werewolf?


A/N: .0. She's figuring her shit out.



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