Chapter 26

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When Stiles got back to Deaton, his breathing was hard as he held the bottles in his hand. The scene in front of him looked like a horror movie. Scott had some blood on his shirt; Ylva was passed out with blood on her hands and arms; Deaton was panting with equally as much blood on his shirt as Scott.

"What happened in here?" Stiles asked, stopping in his tracks.

"Remember how I said she'd react to some of the injections? That's what happened," Deaton replied, peeling his gloves off, "Do you have what you were looking for?"

Stiles tossed him the bottles, "I think this is what it is."

Deaton looked in the bottles, then read the labels, "These are... supposed to be Hydrocodone, and amoxicillin. That's odd. They usually don't give something to treat infection and stomach ulcers after a comatose patient wakes up." In some suspicion, Deaton opened the amoxicillin bottle, shaking out a few. Without question, Stiles watched Deaton crush the pills, and set some on a petri dish, "if I'm correct, this is going to react with another chemical and turn black."

Stiles now had a question, "What will that mean?"

"We'll figure out our poison."

Deaton hurried to figure out the poison, while Scott washed the blood from his skin. Stiles sighed, knowing maybe, just maybe, if they figured out the poison, they could save her. That's all he wanted. Her to live the rest of her life.

"Who would do this?" Scott asked, drying himself off, "She doesn't seem like the kinda person to have enemies."

Stiles nodded, "I know, I know. The only person I can think of is Peter. But he's dead."

Completely stumped, the conversation stopped between the two. Deaton turned around from looking at the crushed medications. Stiles looked at him hopefully.

"It's laced with Cyanide," Deaton said, a frown showing on his features.

Stiles' eyes widened, "Whoa, whoa, whoa... Are you sure? Won't that just... Kill you in a matter of minutes?"

Deaton shook his head, "Not at low doses. It explains everything. Was she having seizures? Cardiac arrest?"

"Yeah... Yeah she was. Is there anyway to fix it?"

Deaton seemed to think, "The only thing I can think of is a werewolf bite... But, with the symptoms of her already rejecting the old bite, it could just speed it up. The only thing we can do medically is give her muscle relaxers, and a pain killer."

Stiles could feel the earth stop spinning. He knew that there was no saving her anymore. The least she could do was figure out who it was. The thought of having no idea what's killing her made his eyes tear up. Without even trying to stop the tears, he let them fall from his eyes and drip to the floor. He walked over to her, and squeezed her hand.

"Stiles-" her raspy voice made him look up at her, "I- I'm sorry."

Stiles let out a short sob, "No- shhh.. .It's okay. We'll figure out who did this to you."

Ylva took a shaky breath, "That's all I ask," after she let out the words, she groaned in pain. Her insides felt like they were on fire. When she started to cough, the goo was mixed with blood.

"Scott... Scott, you gotta call Derek. See if he'll bite her again." Stiles said in a rush, wanting anything to save her.

"Stiles- It'll kill her faster. I-"

"Do it!" Stiles yelled, knowing that was all he could do to save her, "Please!"

Scott did nothing, "Stiles! No! She'll just die. Love her while she has more time."

Stiles let the words sink in, and held her hand tighter, "I'm so sorry... So, so sorry." He whispered the words to her, trying to calm himself down, "I'm so sorry."

Without warning, she let the goo out of her system again, but turned to look at Stiles, "I know who did this."

Stiles held her up from completely falling off the table, "Who?"

She looked down at the floor again. In between the dry heaving, she answered, "My- mother."

One last time she puked up the goo, and looked up at Stiles.

One last time Stiles wiped the tears rolling down her cheeks.

One last time Ylva let the words slip from her mouth.

"I love you."

One last time, her heart beat.

One final time, Stiles screamed at the top of his lungs.

One last time, she let out a breath.


A/N: The Epilogue is coming!


I'm sorry!



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