Chapter 11

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I got home with a nice feeling in my stomach. This is how it feels to have friends. The feeling was more in my stomach. Cheesy, yes. But, true. It's like that feeling after eating an entire cheese pizza by yourself. Accomplishment, and utter love.

I walked into the kitchen, and my smile immediately faded. My entire family was sitting at the kitchen island. Mom, dad, and Sam sat in silence.

"What's going on?" I asked. My family never sits together. Not even for a meal.

They turned to me, silence was heavy in the air. I sighed. Somehow, I knew what was going to happen.

"Are you sure you're okay? We've been thinking-"

I rolled my eyes, "When do you ever think of anything aside from yourself?" I retorted. Unnecessary, but useful.

"Young lady-" My mother started.

"Mother, if this is about the panic attack, I'm fine. Yes, it's been a long time, but I have a lot on my mind from the fact that we move way too often. Okay?" I stated, leaning against the counter.

They looked at Sam. In return, he looked at me, "Are you sure? You... you have bruises on your wrists, and Friday night... You looked scared."

I glared at him, and looked at my wrists. There were purpled bruises wrapped around both of my wrists, "It's a panic attack, you assholes!" I thought for a moment, "You think I did this to myself? Wow. You guys are so quick to jump to conclusions. Why don't you ask me if I'm okay before you have a family conference, and assume false things? I mean, right now you don't even have to ask. I'll just answer you right now-"

"Honey, we're just worried-" My dad went to say.

I glared at the three of them, "Don't you 'we're just worried' at me! You're not worried. You're just afraid that we aren't perfect compared to the reality TV shows. I'm not okay, just an FYI. I the only think I've ever wanted was to stay in one place for more than two months. To have a family that actually care about my well being. But what do I get? A mother who cares about which clothing company she'll be representing later in the morning. A father who cares a little bit, but would rather go work to save strangers, than make sure his daughter is still okay. And finally, I have a brother who I finally don't have a problem with. He cares, but he's an asshole." I glared at the family. They didn't say anything. I scoffed. They didn't even argue.

I rolled my eyes, and went down to my room. It was bound to happen some time.

I sighed, looking around the room. Nobody was standing in there, which was nice. I flopped on my bed, and screamed into my pillow. A knock at my door made me look up. I swear, if it's one of my parents, I'm going to-


"Can we talk?" He asked. I moved from my doorway, and let him in.

I nodded, "Sure."

"What happened to your wrist?" He asked, looking me in the eyes.

I knew if I lied, I'd get caught. I looked away, hiding my wrists behind me, "Derek," I whispered.

Scott growled, "What did he do?" I explained what happened, "I'm gonna kill him."

I could see he wanted to lose control, "No, Scott. It's okay. Take a deep breath."

"He hurt you! I know that there's been a lot going on, but you're my friend," He shouted, "He can't do this to you!"

I grabbed his shoulders, "Scott! Scott. I promise. I'm okay. I'll deal with it."

He looked at me, "I heard what your family thinks," He looked away, "They think you did this to yourself. Why didn't you tell them it was Derek?"

I shook my head, "Did you hear what I told them?" He nodded, "That's why. Now, Scott. Promise me something."

Scott nodded, "Anything."

"Let me deal with Derek. Promise me you won't go to screw with him."

He considered it, "I can't-"

"Yes you can. Scott, promise me." I looked him in the eyes.

"Fine," he sighed, "I promise you."

I nodded in thanks. For awhile, we talked about how he was basically failing a majority of his classes because of this werewolf business. And, we talked about his undying love for Allison. Apparently, after getting trapped in the school by the alpha, they broke up. The alpha thing made me angry.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded, shaking the thought about how I'm going to murder Peter, "Yeah. Well," I looked at the time, "It's getting late. I'll see you tomorrow. Tell Stiles hello."

He nodded, leaving my house.

Sleep was my new task.



The sounding of the morning alarm woke her up from her restless sleep. Ylva groaned, slamming her hand on the snooze button. But, instead of that shutting up, her door was opened, and Lydia Martin was standing in her room.

"Wakey, wakey, Ylva." the Martin girl spoke.

Ylva groaned, pulling her blanket over her head. The strawberry blonde rolled her eyes, opening the curtains, and yanking the blanket from Ylva's tired body.

Ylva let out a groan of protest, "Get out, Martin!"

Lydia rolled her eyes again, "I have coffee and food."

"I'm up now," She stood from the bed, looking for the said caffeine. Lydia handed it to her friend, "Thank you, Martin."

"Any time, now get your ass in the shower, and I'll pick out your outfit." Lydia had a mischievous look on her face.

Ylva complied, and went to her bathroom.

Lydia's job was to find something that will make everybody turn their heads. She opened the girls closet, and stared for a moment. A variety of clothing was set in front of her. There were few dresses, but multiple things they could be paired with to make her friend look hot, but the choices were slim. Taking her chances, Lydia grabbed a long black dress, a cropped jean jacket, and red shoes. She accessorized with some rings, and a necklace. After Lydia put everything on the bed, she smiled in success. Ylva would love it.

Meanwhile, Ylva got out of the hot shower, and walked into her bedroom. Lydia was standing and looking at the outfit.

"Please tell me you didn't pick out anything slutty." Ylva stated.

Lydia whipped her head to look at her, "Excuse me! I do not have slutty taste. Now, get dressed. I still have to do you hair and makeup!"

Lydia pushed the clothing toward her friend, and Ylva rolled her eyes. She groaned when she walked out, "I look horrible. I don't even know why I still have this thing."

But, in reality? Ylva looked hot. The cut out area around her ribs made everything fall nicely on her body. Even if it was a long dress, it showed everything it needed to. A little bit of cleavage, and some nice arm action. It made Lydia smile, and Ylva groan. It was rare she'd ever walk out of the house in a dress.

"Now we finish." Lydia stated.

Lydia grabbed what she needed, and did her friends hair. It consisted of a braided crown, and some loose pieces. Lydia finished with her plan, applying the makeup she thought was necessary for Ylva's face. Which, to Ylva's surprise, wasn't much. And Ylva had to admit.. She looked hot.

"Now," Lydia smirked, "Let's see how much attention you'll get."


A/N: Hello! Are we enjoying this? I know it's a bit dramatic, but that's what I'm shooting for.


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