Chapter 24

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 "So, that means-"

 "You're rejecting the bite. It's just taking longer than it usually would," Derek interrupted me, and walked closer.

 I swallowed hard, "So... I did all of that fighting for nothing? I'm just gonna die anyway?" I heard Stiles sigh, and a warm drop hit my knuckles. He was crying.

 "I'm sorry," Deaton said, "There are a few things we can do."

 "But, wait," I thought out loud, "Why couldn't I leave the Mountain Ash stuff? If I'm human, I would've been able to leave."

 Deaton thought for a moment, "It must be the venom from the bite."

 With that, we were all sitting in silence. I took shaky breaths. It's a lot scarier knowing you're going to die sooner than you thought. All I could think about was what would happen with Sam... and oh, god... Stiles. What would happen? Would he move on to Lydia sooner than later? Or would he mourn for awhile? The possibilities were endless.

 "Can... Can I have a few minutes with Stiles?" I asked quietly.

 Derek rolled his eyes, and Deaton nodded. They both left, and Stiles just sat in silence. I took a deep breath, "Stiles- I... What's going on with you?"

 He looked up, the tears still wetting his cheeks, "Nothing."

 I sniffled, "Stiles, it- you're distant. I don't want to fight about it, I'm just curious... But, are you upset with me?"

 Stiles shook his head, "No."

 "Why are you being so... short? One word answers make me think something is up. Stiles if you don't want to be here-"

 He stood up suddenly, causing the chair to tip back, "I'm not angry or upset with you! I'm scared, okay? I don't want to lose you. I'm scared that you're gonna die! I've been scared since the winter formal. Since you've been in that hospital. Since you've gotten home. I- I just can't lose you."

 I looked him in the eyes, setting my hand on his cheek. I wiped away the stray tears, "Stiles- I'm sorry... I- it breaks my heart that this whole event is doing this to you... I didn't think it'd have that effect."

 He just looked at me like I was crazy, "How are you not scared?"

 I looked down, breaking our eye contact, "It's not that I'm not scared- believe me, I am- I just... I'm in denial. I don't want to die, and I don't want to leave you, but I don't have any other ideas." The tears fell from my eyes, "I don't want this to-"

 Stiles interrupted me with a kiss. The warmth from his lips made more warmth spread through my body, and make me never want to let go. When he pulled back, he held his hands on my cheeks, "This won't end. We'll figure something out. Okay?"

 I short sob came from my mouth, "Okay."

 The sobs started to shake my body, and Stiles pulled me into a hug. I felt much needed warmth. My own body was like ice. The sudden temperature change made the shivers shake my body more than the sobs. I stopped crying, but started coughing.

 "Stiles," I coughed, moving my head away from his chest, "something's wrong," I coughed again, and saw a black goo splatter on his shirt, "Something is definitely wrong."

 Stiles pulled back, and looked at my face, "Oh no."

 I continued to cough, "Get De-" coughs rattled my throat. More black good splattered a little on his shirt. I turned my face, and leaned on the table. Stiles hurried to grab Deaton, as I leaned over the side and gagged. As Deaton and Derek ran in, the gagging stopped, but the nausea came up. After feeling it come up, I saw the black goo start going down the drain, "I-I'm sorry, Deaton... I couldn't-" I felt the goo come up my throat. I just looked at the floor again.

 "It's quite alright. It's just another side effect," Deaton calmly walked over to me, "What else are you feeling?"

 I felt Stiles stand next to me again. He grabbed my hand, "Nausea... I just feel sick."

 Stiles helped my sit up again. He rubbed my back in relaxing motions, "What can we do, Deaton?"

Deaton grabbed my chin, and shined the light in my eyes. There was no more dullness in my left eye, there was completely nothing.

 He stopped, "It appears the reactions in your eyes are completely gone. Your pupils aren't dilating."

 "Fuck!" I shouted, feeling even worse than before, "Goddammit." I noticed Derek standing by the corner, "Derek, how long do I have?"

 Derek didn't move, "You should've died a week ago." There was no emotion in his voice.

 I felt the sadness and fear well up again... Or it could've been the nausea. Next thing I knew, I'm leaning over the side of the table, letting the black goo from my insides. Stiles moved around the table, and held my hair back. The black goo kept coming up.

 "Deaton, please tell me there's something we can do." Stiles sounded upset. Deaton shook his head, "Please tell me you have some idea." Deaton once again shook his head.

 "Goddammit!" I shouted, wiping my mouth, "So, this is it... I'm gonna die."

 "As soon as I know something, we can try it," Deaton spoke quietly, "There has to be something."

 "So," I paused, and sat back up, "what am I supposed to do? Just go home and act like everything's normal?"

 Deaton just shrugged, "It's all you can do at the moment."

 The words stuck to me.

 How was everything supposed to be normal when it never was in the first place?


A/N: Just a few more chapters!


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