Chapter 17

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 The next morning, I was greeted with balloons, and a bouquet of flowers. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes, and saw the face behind it all. Stiles.

 "Good morning, sleepy head," Stiles smiled, "It's all set. You're ready to go."

 I smiled, "Awesome."

 As I was getting up, Stiles went pale, "I'll leave you to... uh... Get dressed."

 I blushed, and nodded. Somebody had dropped off a set of clothing, which I was quite thankful for. The last set was covered in blood. I quickly changed, and attempted to take a few steps. I called out for Stiles, realizing I wasn't going to be able to walk out by myself. He walked in, free of the gifts, and grabbed my hand.

 As we walked out of the room, Melissa stopped us, "What do you think you're doing, young lady?"

 We both turned around, looking like deer caught in the headlights. Stiles stuttered, trying to find an answer.

 "Sit." Melissa pointed to the wheelchair.

 "I can-"

 Melissa raised her brows in a motherly way, "Sit."

 I nodded, and Stiles helped me sit. My entire body ached, but it was nothing I couldn't stand. As Melissa wheeled me out, the bright lights slightly burned my eyes, and the sudden sunlight blinded me for a few moments. I groaned, covering my eyes. I sighed, feeling relief as my eyes adjusted.

 Stiles' Jeep came to view, and I was suddenly over joyed. A: I was out of the hospital, and B: I would be with Stiles.

 My eyes widened at my last thought. The wheelchair stopped, and Stiles awkwardly helped me stand. I climbed into the car, and Stiles closed the door. I heard Melissa talking to him, but couldn't make out the words. Through the mirror, I saw the two hug, and Stiles make his way to the car.

 The drive was silent, and a sudden curiosity came to me, "Were you in the hospital the entire time I was sleeping?" 

 Stiles turned a deep red, "Y-Yeah. I was. Uh- I uh... yeah."

 I smiled at his sudden stuttering, "It's okay, Stiles," I paused, contemplating something, "Your dad let you miss class?"

 He shrugged, "He thought we were dating. So... I guess I have you to thank for that. I didn't have to deal with Harris." 

I laughed. He pulled up into his driveway, and hurried over to my side. He opened the door with very little grace, and helped me out. The soreness in my body made me gasp, and grip his shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his waist, as he did. A slight blush rose to my cheeks. He's being so nice to me... Could it be- No. My subconscious scolded the thought. Of course not.

 In the time I fought with myself internally, we made it to my house, "The spare key is under the mat."

 He bent down, still holding on to my waist. An even deeper blush covered my face. He unlocked the door, and helped me inside. I couldn't tell where he set the key, and I honestly couldn't care.

 We made out way to the couch, and he set me down, "You can sit next to me. I don't bite."

 He slightly blushed, and sat at the other end of the couch. I shook my head, smiling. I scooted next to him, and he awkwardly looked at the wall.

 "Stiles," he looked at me, eyes wild, "Thank you." I kissed his cheek.

 I blushed a little, and he sat in shock. Instead of getting up, he stared at me, and moved closer. I gulped, and suddenly, my lips were warm. I was in shock, and while he began to pull away, I grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him in for more. The kiss got more heated, and  we got closer. I decided it'd be a good idea to move, and instantly regretted it. I groaned in pain, and pulled away.

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