Chapter 9

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 Sighing, I got up from the steps, and walked down the rest of the way. I felt up the wall for some sort of light switch, and came up with one. I flipped it up. No light. I mumbled a profanity under my breath, and grabbed my phone. I flipped on my flashlight app, and walked into the basement. Everything was covered in black. It was all charred.

 "This must have been where the fire started," I spoke to myself, looking around the basement. Everything down here was gone. Burned in the fire, and cleaned up by the fire department. Nothing was there.

 I scoffed. I totally wasted my time to find nothing.

 There was a distant click, and the basement steps creaked from somebody's weight. I quickly turned off my phone, and hid in the darkness. I peeked from my hiding spot, only to see a man standing there. He looked as if he were sniffing the air. I am so going to die.

 "I know you're here, Ylva." It was an unfamiliar voice. I kept quiet, trying to slow my hear beat, "Come out, come out, wherever you are."

 His words sent a shiver through my spine. A hand gripped my shoulder, and pulled me from the spot, "Please don't kill me!"

 He boomed with laughter, and he pulled me up the stairs, "I'm not that cruel."

 When there was light, I looked at the person. He looked a little bit like Derek? I started to back away from the person toward the door, "Who are you?"

 "Peter Hale. Derek's uncle. Nice to meet you." He walked closer to me, adding to his creepy façade.

 "Look, if you live here, I didn't know. I thought Derek was alone, and I wanted to-"

 Peter raised his eyebrow, "Derek never mentioned me? That's painful." He paused looking at me, "I know exactly what you're looking for."

 I stopped, "What might that be?"

He smirked, much like his nephew did, "Answers."

 I squirmed a little in his gaze, "How would you know that?"

 "Because, Derek is a liar. So, shall we discuss what's happening?"



 Peter and Ylva stood in silence. The teen didn't know whether or not to trust the guy. He was a bit creepy, but he did seem to have the knowledge Ylva wanted.

"If I were to trust you, how would I know you're not lying," Ylva crossed her arms over her chest.

 Peter followed her actions, "Well, I'm a truthful man. I am not Derek."

 "Fine. What do you think I want to know?" She asked, looking him right in the eyes.

 He smirked even wider than before, "Well, you want to know what everybody won't tell you. Whether or not werewolves are a real thing. And, I'm here to tell you that your suspicions are correct, Ylva. Werewolves are very much real."

 Ylva narrowed her eyes, "You're joking."

 With the flick of his wrist, Peter let out his claws. He held them up to the girl, and her eyes widened. Her heartbeat quickened, and she backed up into the wall.

 "Don't be afraid. I don't plan on killing you. Or hurting you for that matter," He stood in front of her, "Don't you want to know who else is like me?"

 Ylva couldn't say anything for a moment. She stood, shocked, "Uh." was all she could get out of her mouth. Peter waited for her answer, "Yeah. Yeah I do."

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