Rumplestiltskin's prophecy

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Snow White was standing by a window in the nursery room at her castle, deep in thought and growing anxious about the Evil Queen's threat when her husband approached her

"What's wrong?" he asked. Snow shook her head and replied "Nothing". But her husband new better

"You're thinking about what the Queen said again, aren't you? Snow, please, I can't keep having this conversation. You have to let it go. We're about to have our babies" he tried to reason

"I haven't had a restful night since our wedding" was her reply

"That's what she wants, to get in your head. But they're only words, she can't hurt us" said David to comfort his wife, but Snow reminded him of the apple incident "She used your life to force me to eat a poisoned apple so she could get her revenge. We have no idea of what she's capable"

David sighed, finally giving in to his wife's worries "what can I do to ease your mind?"

"Let me talk... to him" she requested

"Him?" David was confused "you don't mean-" he started to ask, but Snow cut him off "I do"

"No" he replied immediately "No, no, it's too dangerous"

"He sees the future" pointed out Snow, but David didn't want to listen to her "There's a reason he's locked up"

"Can you promise me that our children will be safe?" asked Snow "can you guarantee it? Because he can"

David thought about his wife's request for a minute until he finally agreed "All right. For our children"

Down in the mines, the guard instructed the royal couple about how to approach the prisoner

"When we reach the cell, stay out of the light. And whatever you do, do not let him know your name. if he knows your name he will have power over you." When they arrived, he called out to the prisoner "Rumplestiltskin. Rumplestiltskin! I have a question for you"

"No you don't" replied a voice from inside the cell "they do: Snow White and Prince Charming" he said in a high tone, mocking the nickname and giggled "You insult me. Step into the light and take off those ridiculous robes"

They did as he asked, they removed the hoods of their cloaks and stepped closer to the cell where they could see him and be seen clearly "Ah" Rumplestiltskin laughed "that's much better"

"We've come to ask you-" started David

"Yes! Yes, I know why you're here" interrupted Rumplestiltskin "You wanna know about the Queen's threat"

"Tell us what you know" demanded Snow

"Oh, tense, aren't we?" teased the Dark One, but he answered none the less "Fear not, for I can ease your mind, but it's gonna cost you something in return"

"No. This is a waste of time" the Prince was starting to lose his patience, but his wife wanted answers, so she asked the Dark One again "What do you want?"

"Oh... you know, the names of your unborn twins?" was his response

"Absolutely not!" David was furious at this request, but once again, Snow contradicted him "Deal! What do you know?"

"Ah" Rumplestiltskin smiled "The Queen has created a powerful curse. And it's coming. Soon you'll all be in a prison, just like me, only worse" his voice had turned high during his mockery, but now he was suddenly serious "your prison, all of our prisons, will be time. And time will stop, and we will be trapped, someplace horrible, where everything we hold dear, everything we love will be ripped from us while we suffer for all eternity, while the Queen celebrates, victorious at last!! No more "happy endings""

Snow was starting to get very desperate "what can we do?" she asked, in hopes of learning of a way to stop Regina

"We can't do anything" there was that high pitch to mock her again

"Then who can?" she wasn't going to leave this place without any answers. That's when Rumplestiltskin reached his hand out of his cell to touch Snow's pregnant belly "Those little things, growing inside your belly" but before he could touch her, David used his sword to push away his hand "Next time, I cut it off" he warned

Rumplestiltskin looked at him offended "nt, nt, nt, nt" then he turned again to Snow and continued "the infants are our only hope, for one will break the curse and one will be the Saviour. Get the children to safety" he became very serious again "Get the children to safety and on their..." he closed his eyes in concentration "28th birthday" he finally said, "the children will return. The children will find you... and the Final Battle will begin!" The Dark One started to giggle then, truly looking like a mad man

David couldn't take it any more "I've heard enough; we're leaving" he grabbed Snow and started walking away but Rumplestiltskin called them back

"Hey! No! We made a deal! I want their names! We had a deal! I need the girls' names!" His voice sounded low and distorted when he shouted one last time "I want their names!!"

At hearing him say girls, David stopped, confused, and turned around "girls? We're having boys" He was about to move again but Rumplestiltskin wasn't done "Missy, missy. You know I'm right" he said in the nicest way he could and he pleaded one last time "Tell me: what are their names?"

Snow, who was still not looking back, finally turned enough to look at Rumplestiltskin and answered his question "Emma and Evangeline. Their names are Emma and Evangeline"

And with that, husband and wife left the mine in a hurry, leaving behind a smiling prisoner, for he had what he wanted, the names that would ensure he would remember this land even before the curse was broken: "Emma and Evangeline"

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