7:15 AM

42 1 0

Monday, December 16

August was fixing his bike outside Regina's house when Henry walked out "What are you doing here?" he asked the stranger

"Fixing my bike" August answered

"No, I mean in Storybrooke" Henry clarified

"Just visiting" said August

"What's that?" Henry asked, pointing to the wooden box strapped to the back of the bike

"A box" was all August said

"What's inside it?" Henry kept asking

"Just something I need to do what I came here for" August replied truthfully

"I thought you were just visiting" Henry tried to trick the man

"Doesn't mean I don't have something to do" August countered. He had finished fixing his bike and got on it as Regina left her house and came out front "Henry!" she called when she saw him talking to a stranger

"Better get to school" August told Henry as he started his bike "Looks like a storm's coming" he said before driving away

"Henry, who was that?" Regina asked her son when she reached him, looking towards where the man had gone. Henry's only response was to shrug.

Mary Margaret was getting ready in a rush while Emma ate her cereals quietly. When the blond suggested she slowed down, the teacher told her she was late to help some of her students make a volcano for the science fair. In reality, she was late to see David at Granny's. Every morning, he went to the dinner at 7:15 to get coffee for him and his wife before going to work at the animal shelter, having taken over the job after Graham's death. Emma found Mary Margaret there and reminded her that she had to find a way to move on.

It was almost lunch time and Angie was leaving her room at Granny's when she bumped into the stranger

"You again" she said

"Me again" he replied

"You know; we never did introduce each other. I'm Angie" she said, offering him her hand

"I'm August" he replied, taking her hand and shaking it

"So, what brings you to Storybrooke?" she asked

"Is that important?" he asked back

"Well, I've been told that not many people come here ever. So I'm curious" she explained

"I'm a writer and I need to finish a story. It feels like this town has potential for some interesting ones" he told her

Angie chuckled at that "Oh, you have no idea" she said

"What about you? Why are you in Storybrooke?" he asked now

"I guess you could say that I'm visiting family" she answered "Speaking of, I'm late to see my sister"

"Well, don't let me be the cause" he said smiling, stepping to the side and putting his hands up, pretending to surrender

"I won't" Angie replied with a smile too "See you around, August" she said passing him by

"See you around, Angie" he replied, going to his own room

Mary Margaret was shopping when she bumped into Kathryn. The hit caused them both to drop their items. Regina was also nearby and stepped closer. While gathering their stuff back, Mary Margaret saw that Kathryn was buying a pregnancy test. Unable to resist herself, Regina teased Mary Margaret about the fact that Kathryn and David might be trying to have a baby.

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