Hat Trick - Part 1

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Tuesday night, March 24

Henry was sitting in the corridor when Emma and Mr. Gold arrived

"Henry, what are you doing here?" Emma asked her son

"I came to congratulate you" he answered

"For what?" Emma asked confused

"Your genius plan" he replied smiling

"And what plan is that, Henry?" Mr. Gold asked him

Surprised that Mr. Gold didn't know what he was talking about, Henry shut up. Realizing he wasn't going to answer his question, Mr. Gold went in to see Mary Margaret

"Sorry" Henry apologized "I thought Mr. Gold was in on it, now that he's Miss Blanchard's lawyer" he explained

"In on what?" Emma asked, still confused about the situation

"The escape plan" Henry said

"The what?" this time, Emma sounded worried

Before Henry had time to repeat his answer, Mr. Gold's voice was heard "Sheriff, could you join me, please?" he said

Emma and Henry went over to the main room and found Mr. Gold looking at an empty and opened cell, Mary Margaret nowhere to be seen

"She's gone" Mr. Gold said, pointing out the obvious

"Henry, what did you do?" Emma immediately asked her son

"Nothing" he replied, holding his hands up "She was gone when I got here"

"Her arraignment is tomorrow" Mr. Gold said "If she's not there-"

"She's a fugitive" Emma cut him off "Doesn't matter if she's convicted for Kathryn or not, she's screwed. I have to find her before someone notices she's missing" she said, grabbing her car keys from her desk

"Oh, you mean Regina?" Mr. Gold mentioned

"The arraignment is at eight A.M. I'm sure she'll be here bright and early to celebrate her victory" Emma answered

"Well, you have until eight A.M. then" Mr. Gold said

"Uh, what about me?" Henry asked "How can I help?"

"Go home" his mother replied instantly

He stepped closer to her then and whispered "Emma, if she leaves Storybrooke-"

"Not now, Henry" she cut him off "Come on"

As they were leaving, Mr. Gold told Emma "Miss Swan, I know time is of the essence, but if Miss Blanchard doesn't return, her future is in jeopardy. And if you're caught helping her, so is yours"

"I don't care. I'd rather lose my job than my friend" she replied seriously

Knowing that at this hour Regina wouldn't interfere, Angie went over to the station to see how Mary Margaret was doing. She was just outside when she saw Henry, Mr. Gold and Emma leave. She approached her sister and asked "hey Emma, how's Mary Margaret?"

"She's gone" Emma replied

"What?" asked Angie

"I'm sorry, I don't have time to explain" Emma said, going to her Bug and unlocking it "I have to find her"

"Then I'm coming with you" said Angie, opening the passenger door

"No you're-" Emma tried to argue, but her sister was already in the car "-not" she finished before getting in herself

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