Snow Falls - Part 2

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After leaving the hospital, Regina took Henry home and told him to stay there while she went back to deal with the John Doe situation. She needed to keep him and Mary Margaret apart and she knew just who she needed to talk with. Henry, for his part, wanted to return to his mother and aunt and help them find and reunite John Doe and Mary Margaret.

Graham was leading Emma, Angie and Mary Margaret through the woods when he suddenly stopped

"What is it?" asked Angie

"The trail runs out here" he said

"You sure? Cause I thought tracking was one of your skills" said Emma

"Just give me a second. This is my world. I got it" he assured her and went to look around to find back the trail

"Right, sorry" Emma apologized softly

"What does he mean "his world"? Isn't finding people your thing too?" Mary Margaret asked her

"Yeah, but the people she finds usually run to places like Vegas, not the woods" Angie explained her

"It's an interesting job, finding people" the teacher commented "How'd you fall into it?"

"Looking for people is just what I've done, long as I can remember" Emma answered

"What made you start? Your parents?" Mary Margaret asked. After a short awkward pause, she continued "Henry told me that you guys are... that you were from a similar situation to his own. Did you ever find them?"

"Depends who you ask" was all Emma said

"At least we found each other after we got separated as kids" Angie said. Before the conversation could continue, the sound of some branches cracking behind them made them turn

"Henry!" Mary Margaret exclaimed when she saw him

"Did you find him yet?" he asked them while catching his breath

"No, not yet. You shouldn't be here" Emma told him

"I can help; I know where he's going" he explained

"And where's that?" his aunt asked

"He's looking for her" Henry said pointing to Mary Margaret "You are the one who woke him up, you're the last one he saw. He wants to find you!" he told her

"Henry, it's not about me" Mary Margaret said in return "I just, I think he's lost and confused. He's been in a coma a long time"

"But he loves you! You need to stop chasing him and let him find you" he tried to convince her

"Kid, you need to go home" Emma told him "Where's your mom? She's going to kill me, and then you, and then me again, and then her" she said pointing to her sister

Henry shrugged "She dropped me at the house, then went right out"

"Well, we need to get you back immediately" Emma said

"No!" Henry protested, but before he could say anything else they heard Graham call them over "Guys!?"

As they approached him they saw what he had found: John Doe's bloody hospital bracelet

"Is that...?" Mary Margaret couldn't even finish the question

"Blood" confirmed Emma

"We have to hurry" said Angie, all of them immediately continuing the search

"Where is he? Can you see him?" Mary Margaret was asking as Graham took the lead

"The trail dies at the water line" he said

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