That Still Small Voice - Part 1

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Monday evening, November 4

Henry and Archie were in Archie's office having a session. Archie was trying to get Henry to explain why he thought everyone was a fairy tale character, but Henry was only worried about finding some kind of proof to show he was right about it.

At the sheriff station, Graham was finishing explaining to Emma how everything worked when he gave her a uniform, which she refused to wear, but when she put on the deputy badge the ground shook and all the phones started ringing.

The earthquake revealed the entrance to some old tunnels on the outskirt of the town. Everyone had gathered around and was trying to find out what happened when Angie saw Emma and Graham standing near the crater and went over to see what was going on "Emma hey, do you know what happened?" she asked her sister

"No, I don't. We were at the station; Graham gave me my badge and then everything started shaking" the blond explained

"Well that's a freaky coincidence" Angie commented

Regina arrived then and started giving orders "Everyone! Step back, please!" she walked through the crowd to get to Graham "Sheriff, set up a police perimeter. Marco why don't you help the fire department" she then addressed the twins "Miss Swans this is now official town business, you're free to go"

"Well, actually, I work for the town now" Emma said

"She's my new deputy" Graham confirmed

"They say the mayor's always last to know" Regina said, clearly unhappy

"It's in my budget" the sheriff defended his decision

"Indeed" Regina said coldly "Deputy, why don't you make yourself useful and help with crowd control" she told Emma

"Have fun" Angie told her sister before moving over to hear Regina's speech "People of Storybrooke, don't be alarmed. We've always known this area was honeycombed with old mining tunnels. But fear not. I'm going to undertake a project to make this area safe, to rehabilitate it into city use. We will bulldoze it, collapse it, pave it"

Henry, who had arrived with Archie moments before, made his way through the crowd and questioned his mother "Pave it? What if there's something down there?"

"Henry, what are you doing here?" Regina asked her son, who ignored her and repeated his previous question "What's down there?"

"Nothing" Regina said firmly "Now step back. In fact, everyone please, please step back! Thank you"

While the crowd moved back from the hole, Regina saw something on the ground and picked it up, putting it in her pocket. Henry saw this and asked his mom about it "what was that?"

"Henry, enough" Regina told him "Listen, this is a safety issue. Wait in the car. Deputy Swan, Sheriff, cord off the area" she ordered

Henry, instead of waiting in the car, went over to where Angie and Archie were, also calling his mom over

"Aunt Angie, Archie, over here. Emma, come on, this requires all of Operation Cobra. All three of you" he told them once they were all gathered

"I didn't realize I was in Operation Cobra" Archie admitted

"Of course you are, you know everything" Henry said in an "obviously" tone "We can't let her do this. What if there's something down there?" he tried to convince them

"They're just some old tunnels" Emma tied to explain to him

"That just happened to collapse when you got the deputy's badge?" mentioned Angie

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