A Land Without Magic - Part 2

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Saturday morning, April 4

It was early in the morning, Angie and Mary Margaret had been taking turns sleeping and looking over Henry.

Mary Margaret was reading Henry Snow White's story when she closed the book and started talking to him "Henry, when I gave you this book, it was because I knew... I know life doesn't always have a happy end. But I thought-" Mary Margaret was cut off by the sound off the monitors connected to Henry starting to beep "What is it? Dr. Whale?" she called out

The noise of the doctor and nurses coming in woke Angie up "What's going on?" she asked

"Dr. Whale, what is that?" Mary Margaret repeated while the nurses checked Henry

"What's wrong?" Angie asked again

"Nurse, get them out of here!" Dr. Whale shouted pointing at Angie and Mary Margaret, who started protesting as they were pushed out of the room. The last thing they heard was Dr. Whale voice "His heart rate's falling. Come on, Henry"

Meanwhile, Jefferson infiltrated the psychiatric ward in the basement dressed as a nurse. He gave the head nurse a cup of tea to knock her out and stole her keys. He walked down a corridor, passing several doors, one labelled as 'S. Glass', and finally unlocked one: Belle's. He told her to find Mr. Gold and tell him that Regina locked her up, assuring her that Mr. Gold would protect her, and let her go.

Down in the cavern, Emma was still fighting Maleficent in her dragon form. She had tried shooting at her with her gun, but that had only pissed the witch more. At one point, Maleficent had fallen down a gorge in the cave, but she eventually flew out of it. After Emma dropped her gun, she finally went to grab the sworn Mr. Gold had giving her. She called out to the dragon, and when it turned to her, Emma threw the sword towards its belly. The sword hit its target and Maleficent disintegrated into ashes, the golden egg containing the magic resting on top of them. Emma picked it up, relieved to finally have a way to save Henry, and headed back to the elevator.

David was packing up his truck when he looked up at the clock tower one last time. It was 7 AM. He finally got in and drove off, heading to Boston.

Under the clock tower, Emma was coming up in the elevator when it suddenly stopped, just a few feet away from the exit

"Regina!?" Emma called out "What the hell was that? Regina!"

"Miss Swan?" Mr. Gold's voice came from above her. Emma looked up and saw him leaning over the door "You got it?" he asked her

"Mr. Gold? What are you doing here?" she asked back

"I've come to check on you" he lied "I'm glad I did. Regina abandoned you and sabotaged the elevator"

"What? I'm coming up" Emma said, climbing on top of the elevator

"No, there's... there's no time for this" he replied "You can't possibly scale the wall and carry that"

"Yeah? Well I can try" Emma remarked, grabbing the cable with one hand and holding the egg on the other

"No, you can't" Mr. Gold repeated "Just toss it up. Your boy is going to be fine, I promise" he told her "We're running out of time. Toss it up"

"You hold on to it, I'll be right up" she finally agreed, throwing the egg up to him. Once he had it, he left. "Mr. Gold?" Emma asked while climbing "Gold!"

When she reached the top, Emma found Regina tied to a chair with her mouth covered with tape. "Regina" she said, going over to her, removing the tape and untying her

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