New Kid || 1

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This oneshot might have several parts to it🤭 It most definitely will

Mikes POV:
"First day of Highschool and really looks like a hell hole!" I laugh as me and Dustin walk in the hallways.
"No shit." He laughs. We both separate as we go to our lockers which or no where near each other. I open my locker then suddenly see another person standing by me.
It was a boy. Damn he was fun looking. But like not in that way...
He had brown hair hazel eyes and was about 3 or 4 inches shorter than me. I quickly close my locker and smile at him.
"I Uh...Hi! I'm. I'm Mike!" I say . Why am I struggling to get words out of my mouth. Weirdo.
The boy smiled back and shakes my hand.
"I'm Will. Will Byers!" He blushed a little. He was so cute when he smiled. He definitely looked like he would play D&D. But like no one plays it because it's I guess nerdy.
Will looks down at my hellfire club shirt. And looks back up at me.
"Oh my god you play D&D! I love that game! When I was a couple years younger I had like a whole costume and stuff!" He laughs pressed his books against his chest.
Holy shit he plays it who would have thought. Oh my god.
I stood there for a moment struggling to say anything almost like I was flattered. Was I? By Will Byers? Who everyone called Zombie boy for god knows why. He wasn't so bad.
Without even thinking I say this shit.
"You should totally come over to my house and play with me!" I smile. Oh crap. He's gonna think Im this giant nerd.
He smiles showing his teeth and jumps up and down a little.
"I would love to Wheeler!" He blushed.
I also blush by him giving me that nickname.
Why are you blushing? You're not a queer you have El.
I know but she's been like really distant with me and I honestly don't even think we're together anymore considering that she picks Max over me.
"Uh. Mike? You good?" Will asks as he touches my shoulder.
Oh my god. I froze as he touched my shoulder. He quickly pulls away.
"Oh I'm so sorry! Am I making you uncomfortable? I just it's kind of my natural instinct to grab someone's shoulder I'm so sorr-" Will rambles.
"Don't be you're not make me uncomfortable! Sorry it's just I have had a lot of things on my mind right now with school and then I'm pretty sure my girlfriend and I aren't even together at this point. It's a lot." I chuckle.
Will actually looked like he cared. Normally if I were to tell Lucas or Dustin they would just roll their eyes and change the subject.
"Maybe you're girlfriend just needs a break? Not from you but like maybe she's dealing with some other stuff?" He smiles.
I don't know why but that word girlfriend felt like a punishment to say that. I don't know why. It just does.
"I Uh. Do you mind telling me your girlfriend's name?" He smiled.
"Sure it's El. Or Jane. Either one." I grin.
Wills face lit up and was in shock at the same time.
"No shit- wait Jane Hopper?" He asks.
Oh my god what's happening how does he know El.
"I uh yes-" I say my face in shock.
"Yeah we are actually going to like move in together soon." Will smiles.
"NO SHIT!" I chuckle.
We both instantly look back at each other staring into each other's eyes.
His beautiful hazel eyes glistened in the school light and started back at me. I could feel tensions between us.
We both walked a little closer to each other.
What are you doing? Are you a fa-
Yeah maybe I am but I don't give a shit. I've never felt this way for anyone not even El. And screw El I don't even think she cares about me anymore.
Holy shit we are still staring at each other.
I want it to stop but I don't.
"HEY MIKE!" I hear a voice as someone sorta slams into me.
Will and I both stop looking at each other and face the person who slammed into me.
"Oh! H-he-hey Lucas!" I say nervously.
"Hey we have home room together and. Oh hey Will!" Lucas smiles as he high-fives Will.
"You two know EACHOTHER?" My eyes widen.
"Yeah! I actually tried to get him into hellfire but Eddie said we had enough players. I think im honestly gonna quit Hellfire because I have basketball and shit. So maybe Will can take my spot." Lucas smiled.
"That would be great! If it. If you're ok with it!" Will reassured.
"Anytime brother!" Lucas smiled.
"Mike we have to get to class or we are gonna be late." He said as we both speed walk to our home room.
I walk by and see two people in the corner of the school kissing each other.
Wait a damn minute...
I study who the people are.
"Hey El." I say as El quickly turns over and her eyes widen.
"Mike it's-its not what." El stutters.
"No it's completely what you think." Max says as she's holding the bridge of her nose.
"El it's ok...I um. I. Well. You. Max. She. Max will treat you better and I honestly think we're better off as friends and I think I found someone else and you found someone else and we're both happy with our lives so yeah we're friends." I say as I walk into home room.
It was Will wasn't it you little queer.
YES IT WAS WILL...I've never questioned my sexuality until now but I know it's perfectly ok because Nancy said it was and she's with Robin and Steve is I guess kind of a think with Eddie.
And I think I might be one of them.
I stop overthinking and slam my books on my desk and sit down. I turn over to see Lucas and turn over to my other side and see...
He smiles and continues to doodle on his paper.
I lean over and whisper to him.
"Hey what are you drawing?" I say as I can't see the paper.
Wooooo I like this oneshot. Again it's probably gonna have 2-4 parts!

Byler OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now