New Kid || 2

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Wills POV:
"Hey what are you drawing?" I hear a voice practically touch my neck. I look over and see the raven haired boy smiling and staring at me.
Although I just met Mike today I feel like I like him.
It's what they say I guess love at first sight or something cheesy like that. But knowing that it's the 80s and queer people barely exist were probably going to stay as friends.
Oh shit...
I realize what I have been drawing and it's of me and Mike holding hands.
Shit. Out of all places to draw this I drew it here? I'm school. With a bunch of homophobic people. Mike probably one of them.
And that sad thing is I can draw really realistically.
"Oh. Um I nothing...drawing nothing." I nervously say as I flip through paper which are just more of gay drawings.
"No wait go back to the drawing you were working on!" Mike laughs as he takes my sketch book. I try to grab it back but he was too quick...
He flipped to the drawings and his eyes widened. Almost like there was a sparkle in his eyes.
Oh shit. Oh shit.
I feel warm tears in my eyes one falling down my cheek. I soon escape my desk and run to the bathroom.
Mike followed...
I'm now crying and sobbing.
"WILL WAIT!" Mike yells about 30 feet away from me. I run to the bathroom and go into a bathroom stall and cry.
You disgusting fairy. What are you doing. You really thought that Mike Wheeler would want to smash lips with you? Two boys can't do that.
Your father was right. You're a little fa-
"WILL!" I hear from the outside the stall.
I try to wipe away my tears.
"Will can we please talk this out?" He calmly says.
Just make an excuse.
I open my stall door his beautiful face standing in front of me.
Mike sighed and grabbed my hand.
I freeze in position. Do I take his? He soon leads me by the window and by the sinks as he sits down.
"Here sit next to me." He smiles.
I sit down.
Why doesn't Mike seem mad? He's not startled or disgusted. He's just Mike.
"Will. That drawing. Is it. Of you and me?" He asks.
My face burns from embarrassment and I feel the tears burn thought my eyes.
I nod.
He smiles?
"I love it Will. You're really good at drawing you know that?" He grins. I look back at him and a tear goes down my face.
Well shit.
" you don't think I'm disgusting? That I'm a. That I'm a fag?" I start to cry at that word.
Mike quickly grabs me into his arms and rests his head on mine.
"Will. Your none of those things. When I met you I knew you were different. But in the most amazing way possible. Your beautiful hazel eyes and textured brown hair. I think." Mike started to choke on his words.
What's happening.
Im crying in his arms my hands and arms grabbing around his waist.
"I think I love you Will Byers..." he smiled. He was obviously scared of my response.
I sit up and look into his eyes.
"I...s.same." I grin a little.
His smile get wider.
Butterflies form in my stomach.
Our chests are inches apart.
Our faces are so close to each other.
Quickly Mike grabs my face and pecks my lips and pulls away quickly.
His face red from embarrassment.
"WILL I-" Mike catches before I cut him off.
Smashing my lips against his.
Maybe I did want to smash lips with Mike Wheeler after all.
He grabs my neck and continues the kiss obviously not wanting it to end.
I ruffle his hair and completely close the space between us. I'm loosing breath shit!
I quickly pull away falling into his arms from tiredness.
"Wow-" I say my voice scratchy.
"Never thought I'd have my first kiss in a school bathroom. With a boy I just met." Mike laughs.
"You know you liked it." I laugh as Mike quickly kisses me again.
"Oh yeah maybe just a little." He says sarcastically.
We soon walk to class together holding hands as if the drawing I made was forming into real life.
Heyyy! Turns out I only needed 2 parts for that oneshot:) PLEASE PLEASE SUGGEST SOME ONESHOTS FOR ME!

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