I want to paint.

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This scenario is where El Writes to Mike and Mike writes back.

Dear Micheal,
I know it's kind of funny I am addressing you by your full name. Will told me that he used to call you that. So apparently we are gonna come back to Hawkins for spring break. I think he is a little unsettled about it. He said he'd much rather just have you come over to California, but I want to be able to see everyone. Will has been painting a lot. He started painting a new piece but he won't show me what it is. Maybe it's for a girl! I know he likes someone. He hasn't showed any interests in any girls at our school yet. Some of the girls at the school are nice. And very pretty. We'll see you soon!
El & Will (Will did not sign it but I know he would have wanted to.)
I put the letter on my desk and look around my room.
"Dinner kids!" Joyce yells from downstairs.
"Will lets go." I say as I run downstairs.
Wills POV:
I see El run downstairs. I saw her writing a letter earlier. I know I'm not supposed to look but I see the letter and start to read it.
I think El is thoughtful but what really stung was when her letter said "Maybe it's for a girl."
I just want Mike. She knows that.
"Will?" I turn around from her desk and see Jane in the doorway.
A tear falls down my face.

Byler OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now