Origin and Beginning

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Hello, HollowSea here. I really should be updating my other story but I am having a story block, and really wanted to update this other story that I kept in my document of ideas.

WARNING: So, here's the thing, the rating is not M since what I've written so far are mild, in my opinion, with hints on violence and rape. Sorry I just can't help it, love the angsty torture-y stuff. So should it come up, I will update the ratings and also warn in the note of each chapter.

There are some OCs that I made, but would probably not be very important as I am not a fan of OCs.

Clearer Summary: Honestly, I am not sure as to where I want to go with this story but so far it's just for fun, I might edit some stuff when I realize something not working. This fic is about a sea deity or siren as I put it, which will be Luffy and honestly it's just in name but I want to assume they look exactly same and is really Luffy (If you hate that, owh well). Also, Luffy would be raising Ace, Sabo, and Law. DiffDF, OOC!, Smart & OP Luffy.

As for relationships, so far I'm planning on making everyone adore Luffy (cause I'm making him gorgeous, oops). But if I want to focus on a relationship, it would be Marco x Luffy, cause it's my go to. Besides, its so rare we need more of it.

(This work is crossposted in Ao3 and Wattpad)

No promises on updates since this is a side hobby, and I really sometimes just have no inspiration or the time. But I hope you enjoy what little I wrote :)


Chapter 1 ~ Origin and Beginning

He's bored, a sentient being, a deity, a siren, whatever the world wants to call him. There's really no reason for him to be a sea deity, other than the fact that the ocean loved him, and didn't want him to die.

Owh if you're wondering, he is old, really old. Over the years of solitude, the siren sometimes forgets what it's like to show emotions, forgets how to be a human (well technically he wasn't human, not anymore). He remembers his past life in patches, almost nothing, but it must've had something to do with the ocean for it to love him.

He isn't sure what his purpose is, other than watching over the ocean (maybe). Though he rarely visits the New World where stronger humans could recognise his unique presence, or where more bloodthirsty pirates would love to get their hands on him (not that it would be easy), he just hates the hassle and problems it would undoubtedly cause. That might be the reason why the Grandline was so chaotic, he wasn't doing his job (well, to be fair, no one said it was his job).

The siren was often feared by humans for having unhuman-like powers. Though over time, devil fruits appeared, and an increased number of people had also discovered haki. Before, they hunted him out of fear. Now, they would hunt him for their own interests. Humans are filthy, that was a conclusion he made over the years. He used to love messing with sailors and helping random islands, but now he does not want to interfere with human relations. For it never ends well whenever his presence was made known.

He had been alive for about five hundred years now, since he was killed by the World Government, and was reborn again. Maybe he was a human before, but he can't remember it at all. Technically, in deity terms hundreds of years wasn't very long and he's about a teenager mentally (not like he does much growing up on his own).

Though over the years, even his memory can't keep up such a long life as he swims or drifts oceans to oceans. But that might actually be a blessing, since his life wasn't always rainbows and sunshine.

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