First Crack

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The deity met another member of his supposed family and gains a headache. Ace finally appears.

Do leave some reviews for me, Thank you! Hope you love it so far. I have some questions but I'll leave it at the end.


Chapter 3 ~ First Crack

Months passed by, and the day finally came. That morning Rouge's water broke, signifying the end of her pregnancy. Luffy, having read a few pregnancy books, had quickly prepared her for birth. Albeit uncertain, the deity was resolved to be the one to deliver her baby.

Surprisingly, they had a visitor, a strong one. Luffy was aware the instant a strong presence neared the island, But he ignored it because Rouge was starting to sweat and groan in pain, she had begun having contractions a while ago and was currently having painful ones.

Unfortunately, the strong presence steadily kept getting closer until he was in the hut's range. Luffy would've groaned if it wasn't for his inability to express himself. He glanced at Rouge which was groaning on the bed, then towards the main door. Deciding he should probably take care of the problem.

"I will be back, Rouge," Luffy said, untangling his almost crushed fingers from her strong pain induced grip.

"CaLL mE MO-aahhhhM!" She yelled, in between painful groans as another wave of contraction hit her.

The woman had started asking Luffy to address her as his mother since the incident, insisting that he was her child. Not always, but whenever Luffy called her mother, she would be visibly happier. Saying that she could at least be a mother once in her life, reminding the deity of her limited time and filling him with an unfamiliar feeling of sadness.

Luffy ignored her in favour of looking out the window. The first thing that caught his eyes was the blaring white uniform and cape the old man was wearing, eliciting a faint frown from the teen. He placed his hands in front of him as if he was holding something in his hand.

Just then, water droplets seem to gather quickly from the surrounding water vapour, growing in size, and compressed into a long scythe. It had a long handle with a huge crescent blade that would barely fit through the door, on one end. On the other there were two symmetrical, shorter, and smaller blades, creating a T shape. The weapon was taller than Luffy, who was 174 centimetres tall, with 235 centimetres in length.

The handle was a simple staff with ridges on its surface that formed a scale like pattern, also providing the user better grip. It looked like glass or ice that contained the roaring waves itself. At each end where the staff meets the curved blades, there were blue sea serpents coiling intricately, as if holding them together.

The crescent blade was huge, curving, almost reaching the middle of the handle. It was smooth and pure white with sharp edges that glinted blue under light. The other two blades were similar, only smaller and less curved, more for stabbing than slicing.

People would say it was a beautiful, pure weapon. But it was the white that allowed blood to look so red on it, blood to flow into its handles. It may look clean and bright, but Luffy remembered what it was like when it was soaked dark red in blood. Once, he was mistaken as a grim reaper after a great war, covered in a blood soaked cloak while holding a blood red scythe, creating quite a terrifying silhouette.

Twirling the weapon carefully in the small space, it had been a long time since he held his favourite weapon. Though, the appearance of his weapon never meant a good thing, it meant the reaper would visit, and it would not be for him. However, he felt like it would be required if he wanted to finish a fight with the old marine quickly.

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