Cool Blue and Grey

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Revealing the life in Foosha for our favourite duo.

Hi HollowSea here~

Another update for my loyal readers hahaha. This chapter feels a little like a filler. I swear I am going as fast as I could, I don't want to skip too much but at the same time I don't like to write too much details in this period cause it'll be boring and draggy.

Anyway, I hope you'll love this still.


Chapter 5 ~ Cool Blue and Grey

Just as Garp promised, he sent them money every 3 months. But once Ace was older and able to at least support his own head, Luffy worked anyway to earn more. The siren had begun wrapping bandages around the lower part of his face instead of his eyes, since the villagers of the east blue might think it was odd, and make him stand out instead. Besides, he was in the weakest seas, he wasn't that worried about people seeing his eyes as much as before. Though it still attracted much attention.

Over time, he used the money he earned to pamper the little baby, buying clothes for himself and Ace, mostly Ace. Other than that, he also stocked up on nutritious baby foods, other baby necessities, and a huge carpet.

The carpet was laid on the large empty area for the baby to roll around safely, Luffy also baby-proofed the house from sharp edges, and blocked the stairs. Even got a baby chair for the counter table at home. The raven had also bought baby straps, and had taken to carrying Ace everywhere on his back, even when he worked.

So here he was, carrying an impossible amount of firewoods in both his arms with Ace looking around curiously on his back. At first, the villagers were cautious and even scared of him, making it hard for Luffy to get a job. But after a month or two, the whole village had slowly warmed up to the two raven staying at the edge of the forest. Known as the quiet, pretty blue-eyed and the excited, little grey-eyed, who were always stuck together.

Unknown to Luffy himself, he had also warmed to the villagers. His tiny kindness grew as he shared it by helping the villagers, who would sometimes offer him food or help. Especially the green haired barmaid and owner of Party's bar, Makino-san.

He had gotten close to Makino after working for her in her bar, which was crowded on weekends. Sometimes, he would even sing in the bar, using the songs he heard all over the world and Rouge's songs.

Being a sea deity, a siren, he was known for his enchanting voice that was rumoured to be able to seduce sailors, even to their deaths. But of course it was a myth exaggerated by humans overtime, especially those that feared him. Here it only attracted customers.

But everyone knows, his songs were always accompanied with happy babbles and the clapping of a baby on his back. And those who were watching would be graced with the sight of those cold blue eyes softening and smiling (since his lips would be covered; how he sang with it covered is a mystery).

Makino had once offered to take care of Ace when he's working, and while Luffy didn't want to leave the little raven with anyone, he agreed, because some of his jobs were quite vigorous. However, Ace had cried non-stop after he woke up with her, until Makino found Luffy and passed him over. Ace instantly stopped crying and giggled when Luffy kissed his tiny head through the bandages.

Over time, everyone had grown quite attached to the duo, and started referring to Luffy as Ace's father, even mother occasionally. However, when they asked where he was from, Luffy would always avoid answering by saying nowhere or somewhere.


After Luffy began taking care of Ace, he hadn't had the chance to go to the ocean, and it had been calling to him everyday.

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