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Law felt like he could just cry and realised he was looking forward to his coming birthday, birthdays, and maybe Luffy's absolutely delicious cakes.

No idea what to write in the summary, therefore I'm just gonna start pasting a sneak peek.

Ahh! there's two update today because apparently I didn't publish the last chapter, I just realised it was in the draft until today. Sorryyy!! But plus side, two chapters for Wattpad readers today :P


Chapter 13 ~ Birthdays

On the Moby Dick, the three pirates had just arrived back to their main ship.

As usual, they were greeted warmly by their brothers and father.

"Son, how did it go?" Whitebeard asked, smiling warmly.

"Everything went well, pops," Nakamura replied with a smile, "though we didn't do it."

The old man raised a confused brow, "what do you mean?"

"We were upstaged by a brat," Thatch said, laughing.

"Oh?" The man asked amused, "won't you entertain your father with a story."

"Well, we didn't see what happened yoi," Marco started, pensively, "according to the villagers, the guy beat up like twenty pirates on his own, with a glass staff that appeared out of nowhere and disappear after that yoi."

As the story went on, everyone looked even more intrigued. Pops was also very interested, if Marco's reading his oyaji right. Well, the blond himself was curious since he found the boy rather familiar, yet he could not remember. Like an itch he couldn't scratch.

"Yeah! His eyes were also bandaged throughout the fight, then they say it was like he was dancing," Thatch added, excitedly.

This time everyone looked at him sceptically, with narrowed eyes. Thatch just loves to exaggerate and make his story sound like, well, a story.

"Hey! I'm not lying!" The cook complained with a pout.

"Yeah, he's telling the truth," Nakamura interfered, patting the man's back in a consoling manner.

"Does that mean he had haki?" Izo asked.

"Probably yoi," Marco said

"Haki in the blues?"

"That's rare, It's rare even in Paradise!"

"Me and Thatch followed him, he dragged twenty grown adults with one arm like it's nothing and fed them to a sea king. Then the same sea king pulled his dinghy yoi," he elaborated, seemingly amazed at what he just said himself.

"Whoaa, you mean he got a sea king to pull his ship?" Namur asked with an unbelieving look.

Though none of them can't disapprove of it because Marco never exaggerates. Actually it was more common for the blond to understate or downplay an event. There's rarely any stuff that could impress their stoic first mate.

"Don't get what he meant when he says he's 'literally heartless' though," Thatch continued thoughtfully, "how could someone who entertains kids and helped people be heartless? Is he dying?"

Marco smack his head with exasperation, "stop your nonsense yoi, his presence was very strong, and quite unique actually."

"Gurarararara, let's hope we can meet him," oyaji said with a wide grin.

Almost everyone on the ship could notice that familiar glint in the captain's eyes when he decided he wanted to adopt someone.

In everyone's mind they already accepted his decision and just couldn't wait to meet their new addition. While he wasn't opposed, Marco still felt like he knew the man yet couldn't pin his identity down.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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