The Late Rescue

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First meeting and impressions are important, who is this interesting stranger?!

Hi peepol~ It's been a long time huh.

Honestly, I haven't been writing at all recently, also cause I moved on to other anime fandoms which totally affects my zone for writing One Piece stories, but I just couldn't find anymore good OP fics recently and I'm running out of inspiration.

Before this I avoided reading other anime's fanfics cause I was worried I would loose my interest to continue writing my fics T^T. But then I did and now I just can't really enjoy writing these as much, but I don't want to abandon it either soooo I'll keep trying XD. Hopefully I'll find more inspiration to continue writing.

Also after reading many other fics I realise my writings not that good T^T. It feels like something's missing but since this is just a side hobby I ain't gonna think too hard about it.

Excuse my rant, and enjoy~


Chapter 8 ~ The Late Rescue

On the other hand, certain pirates were heading towards the same island.

"Why are we heading to North Blue again?" Thatch asked for the 5th time on this trip .

"Seriously Thatch, do you ever listen, yoi?!" Marco groaned.

"We're going to Fua island," Nakamura repeated, exasperated.

Currently their tiny Moby were occupied with only the three of them.

"Why again?" The chef asked, scratching his neck with a sheepish smile.

Marco sighed lightly, used to this, "It's Nakamura's home island yoi, it was a very prosperous island famous for their fresh and sweet fruits-"

"Owh yeah, that was one of the reasons I wanted to go!" Thatch interrupted. The blond inhaled and held back an eye roll.

"Yes, but a group of Grandline pirates settled there after they were attacked by the marines and had been asking for crazy amounts of protection money and crap yoi," Marco continued in his usual uncaring outer demeanour.

"My little brother stays there with my uncle, he says in their letter that they've been killing the guys and raping women that couldn't pay the fee," Nakamura frowned, clenching his hands.

"But then they also destroyed their farms, and shops, scaring customers. So they can't even earn the money to pay," He continued.

"Oh..." Thatch muttered, "sorry man, don't worry we'll get them!"

"But commander Marco, you didn't need to come," Nakamura said with an apologetic smile.

"Nonsense, you're in my division, besides I can fly back if they need me yoi," Marco smiled, patting his back. Easing the tension on the other man's shoulders slightly.

It took another few hours for them to arrive. Oddly, there was no one around the dock which caused them to worry. They rushed into town.

However, whatever greeted their eyes wasn't something they expected. There was a huge party involving almost the whole island. The pirates were alive, but beaten and bloody tied up in a bunch near a tree by the road.

Occasionally there would be someone who would walk past them, and give them a kick or two. They stared and gaped for a while. Unsure of what to think.

In the middle of the party was a boy? Teen? Surrounded by kids. He was singing in the most beautiful voice they've ever heard. Marco recognised the song originating from the South blue.

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