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More fluff, cute things, and our little baby growing up. <3

Hi~ has it been long??

Anyways, all the assignments packed in week 4&5 are done! TMI? I'm a little more free.

Thanks for the comments and encouragements btw and here's another chapter for you.



Chapter 6 ~ Nii-chan!

Ace was 2 years old now, his raven hair was longer and apparently, wavy. Now able to run around on his own and talk, albeit still sloppy.

Luffy, on the other hand, had grown to look like a 19 year old, letting his body grow like humans, instead of retaining it after he moved into the village with Ace. He didn't grow any taller so far, still 175 centimetres. But his hair had reached his neck and could be tied into a short pigtail. His body also grew slightly broader, though it's still considered slim in general.


The toddler had learned to talk not long after his first birthday. Luffy was preparing Ace's meal while he sat on his baby chair, banging on the table. The raven knew, his little brother wanted his attention but ignored him in favour of mashing fruits.

"Pa!" Ace yelled, stunning Luffy. "Pa! Pa!"

Luffy smiled and almost grinned at that, approaching the boy. Brushing the baby's hair softly backwards, causing him to look up with a big smile. "No, Ace, not papa but nii-chan," the siren tried to explain, pointing to himself, "Luffy, nii-chan," he said.

"Ma?" Ace tried instead with a questioning gaze, causing Luffy to smile a little exasperatedly. Honestly, he doesn't know what he is to Ace but if the boy wanted him to be his mother or father, the deity wouldn't mind.

Though this was probably influenced by the villagers that kept referring to him as papa or mama, when talking to baby Ace.

"No, Ace-y, it's Luffy. Lu-ffy," he tried again, slowly.

Ace had frowned, confused and tried to say his name, coming out as, "uf-i, OOF-Y!" He yelled in victory, clapping his hands.

"Sure Ace, whatever you say," Luffy chuckled softly, amused, ruffling his wavy raven locks.


Now, he was able to call him properly, along with some other words. Luffy reminisced distractedly while he did his work, translating some papers from a foreign language that wasn't common in the East Blue. The raven, having lived for years, had extensive knowledge that was still stored in his brains, language being one of them.

A job he got from the Goa kingdom. He started taking jobs from the kingdom after Ace was old enough to not cry when left with Makino. Though he still pouts and gets teary-eyed when he leaves, and would be really attached when he was back.

"Lu-nii!" Ace shouted from somewhere, "nii-cha!"

It didn't take long for the black haired raven to pop up on the balcony, where he was sitting and working. He was bare feet, wearing his favourite orange and striped, tiger onesie.

They had moved to the larger room upstairs once Ace could walk fine and climb the stairs on his own. The small raven was very physically adept, learning to walk and run quite easily. He seemed talented in the physical department, the siren expected he would be quite a force in the future.

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