A New Beginning

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An intro to their life together, it's finally beginning.

Ahhh~ my new sem has begun and god the workload is killing me. Anyway, I've stock up on quite a few chapters of this fic and so here's another chapter.

Also, based on the responses on last chapter, I think most people actually picked B. So I'll do my best to go that way. Though I've never written from Ace's point of view so it would prolly be hard. But since this Ace would also be OOC, I guess it'll be fine. I'll try to maintain Ace's typical behaviour though.

Anyways, that it for the long note.



Chapter 4 ~ A New Beginning

After they buried Rouge by the sea, Luffy followed Garp, reluctantly. The man had offered that he knew the best place to hide the baby, Ace, who would be hunted for his perfectly, equally red and human blood.

The trip to the east was unbelievably smooth, with no storms, and even the current and winds were in their favours. Carrying the weird dog figure-headed ship forward with odd lightness and ease.

On the way Luffy found out the old man was actually in a vice-admiral position and could've been an admiral, yet he rejected. What worried Luffy was how loose his mouth could be. Would hiding matter if Garp unpurposely spilled it himself. Though Luffy was sure he could protect Ace when it came to it.

Another few weeks and they were docking on a relatively large island in the East blue, the calmest sea in the world. Closing in, Luffy sensed a whole lot of weak presences along with several broken ones, but they were mostly on the other side. On this side, the presences felt quite cheerful, albeit weak. It was a humble village with many windmills, and a peaceful atmosphere.

"Follow me, Luffy," Garp called, "you'll be staying at my old house."

Luffy, wearing his typical black cloak, was carrying a sleeping Ace in his arms, and was following the older man at a more leisurely pace. He was also carrying a black sling bag filled with baby essentials that Rouge had prepared beforehand, even some baby 'how-to' books.

Apparently the house was quite a distance away. Throughout the walk, many of the villagers greeted Garp and gave the cloaked man curious looks, but with the trust they have for the vice-admiral, they generally ignored the mystery person.

They arrived at the edge of the village, or maybe the edge of the forest was more suitable. Since the foliage was thicker here and the village houses were barely visible anymore. There stood a worn down house, it was not too big but enough for at least 2 adults. However...the condition was...questionable.

Luffy raised a brow, "seriously, old man?" he asked with an unimpressed tone and scepticism in his eyes.

"Bwahahaha, call me ji-chan, you brat!" He yelled, causing baby Ace to stir with a soft whine.

Luffy shot him a glare which caused the man to sweat. It was weird how such beautiful eyes could look so entrancing and fierce at the same time.

After several days with Luffy on his ship, Garp realised the raven wasn't a normal human. The first hint was his aura, though it was just barely felt. Even his eyes were not normal, if anyone were to stare at it for a long time they would notice waves rolling in it. Secondly, how his weapon just dissipated into air, though that could have been attributed to some devil fruit.

Lastly was their extremely, too smooth trip when they crossed the calm belt and the grandline. It was as if the sea was calm, which should never happen. The sea was the definition of chaos and unrest, on the best of days.

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