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Can you guess where this is heading? :3

Hello, its been quite long since I updated. Sorry about that but here's another chapter of MASH.

Honestly, this chapters feels a little like a filler but it's leading somewhere so it can't be helped.

WARNING!!: A little hints and mention of rape (a little short bracket of it)


Chapter 7 ~ Strawberries

Ace asked him once about strawberries and other fruits he's seen in his picture book. Luffy had placed a bookshelf and filled it with books, because if it's up to him, Ace would not be brainless. Though the raven has little interest in books unless it has colours and unique things, maybe he should take the boy for some hands-on learning instead. That's a plan.

Anyway, since their island was a tropical one, there were some fruits Luffy couldn't find. And even if Goa kingdom sold them, it tends to be bad because the selfish king hogs the fresh ones.

So, that was why he decided to get some for Ace before his third birthday. Luffy had packed some money and... actually that's all he needs. But the villagers insisted on providing him with food and water for his trip anyway, which he accepted politely.

They were currently in Party's Bar, where Ace would be staying with Makino for a while. He had a tiny backpack packed with his necessities.

"Nii-chan, whe you goin? Can I come too?" Ace asked, pouting at the brink of tears. He was holding onto Luffy's black pants.

It kinda hurt to see that, this would be the first time he's leaving Ace alone, well not totally alone. Makino promised to take care of him, actually she's quite excited to take care of Ace, and Luffy trusts her. Apparently she has always wanted a younger sibling to take care of.

Luffy squats down to pat his head, and pulls off his bandages in public for once. Giving Ace a soft smile, eliciting blushes from several customers that were watching the exchange.

His eyes were pretty, but that and his crescent scar was the only thing most villagers had seen. Many had been wondering what he looked like under those bandages, while some jealous ones said he would be ugly without them. How wrong.

"You're still a chibi, my little ototo," Luffy chuckled lightly. "I won't take long, and will tell you all about my adventure, okay?" he tried.

Ace looked reluctant but nodded grudgingly at the end, rushing in for a hug. "Mmm, promise?" He mumbled through Luffy's clothes.

The siren ruffled his hair, "I promise," he said, lifting his pinky.

Ace tilted his head sideways, confused. Luffy chuckled lightly, taking his tiny hand to tangle their pinky together.

"It's a tradition on one of the islands in the Grandline, that if we do this, it means the promise is sealed," Luffy explained, causing Ace's eyes to widen in wonder.

Though in reality, it was said that if a promise made on that island was broken, the person's pinky would be twisted to a mess, preventing them from making any more promises. (Of course he didn't tell lil Ace)

"I'll take good care of him," Makino said, holding onto Ace's shoulders as they said goodbye to him.

Luffy offered her a smile, "see you soon, Ace!" He waved, as his tiny boat drifted away from the dock. He could see Ace smiling even though he seemed upset too.

'Umi-sama, can I offer you some help?' Midori asked.

Luffy looks at the side of the boat to see him lurking just below the sea. "No need, Midori, just take care of Ace and the island while I am away," he said.

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