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A trip feels shorter with company :)


Chapter 10 ~ Company

They arrived to see a small dinghy, it would probably be quite packed with the three of them. Mostly due to how huge the blond was.

As soon as Luffy arrived on the beach, a huge white sea king rose up, towering over all three of them. It looked eager, rushing at the bandaged raven with its tail splashing behind it.

Law and Rocinante froze on the spot, muscles tensing in preparation to flee. But then the raven stood relaxed, not sensing the danger. 'Maybe because he can't see?!' The thought rose to both their minds unbidden, even after observing his actions, which did not indicate any blindness.

The blond's mind raced, thinking of ways to help the teen without endangering Law or dying himself. But then it was interrupted by his voice.

"Weiss, we'll have two tagalongs," Luffy said, petting the eager creature. Both said guests gaped, jaws on the floor.

The raven turned towards them, "well what are you waiting for?" He asked. "I guess it is unusual to see such a big sea king around these seas," Luffy muttered to himself thoughtfully, not soft enough to be missed by the two.

They both gulped, approaching slowly and carefully, not taking their eyes off the sea king.

"I'm heading straight to East blue, is that okay?" Luffy questioned without turning.

The East blue is the weakest blue with the least possible threat from Doflamingo and the marines. It was currently the safest choice for them, definitely a good coincidence for both runaways.

"U-um," Rosinante nodded, "that's okay, it'll be safer for the both of us too."

"Good, then there would be no delay," Luffy said and hopped onto the sea king's head, "I hope there's enough room?"

"Yeah," Law mumbled, still staring at the sea king.

"Let's go Weiss," Luffy ordered, patting its head gently. The sea king accelerated to an incredibly high speed, jerking the ship violently.

The sea king swam extremely fast towards the reverse mountain while his two guests rested. Luffy knew that both of them didn't sleep, probably not trusting him.

Around midnight, the boy fell unconscious. His complexion turned pale, body heating up and began panting heavily.

Luffy jumped down onto the boat, surprising the blond who was holding Law in his arms. Unconsciously tightening his hold protectively.

"How is he?" Luffy asked, softly.

"Not good, his fever is spiking," the man sighed, relaxing a little.

"I don't have food, only fruits," Luffy said, "is that okay?"

"Should be fine for a while," Cora-san said.

Luffy could sense his worry, it seems the faster they get to Foosha the better. At least there is a doctor Luffy knew there that would help.

The man wrapped his huge fur coat around the boy, and held him in his arms.

Luffy tore a part of his cloak, soaking it in the cold sea water and placed it on the boy's head.

"I'm sorry, but how old are you?" The man asked, uncertain if the question may be offensive, "of course you don't have to answer-"

"19, almost 20." His physical body's age, at least.

"-if you don't want to," he said, "oh, owh! I assumed you were younger." He assumed the teen was around 17.

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