Humble Abode

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"I-Is this where you stay...?"

"What did you expect? A castle underwater?"


Chapter 11 ~ Humble Abode

They didn't stop from the calm belt and headed straight for Dawn island, relying solely on fruits for food. Even as fast as they were going, they still arrived after the sky had turned a beautiful purple-red shade, though it was still a record time.

"We're arriving soon," Luffy noted while taking off his bandages, revealing his eyes for the first time to the two passengers.

They both couldn't help but stare at those blue, otherworldly enchanting eyes that exudes power which both scares and assures them. ' Powerful' was the thought that rose unbidden in their minds, followed by ' beautiful' .

As the raven finishes rewrapping his face, those blue eyes turn to meet their comparatively plain eyes, and their previous fear vanishes. The only thing they saw in those eyes were softness and glaring emptiness. Wonder and pity rose, but was quickly stopped down as Dawn island distracted them.

"You can leave now Weiss, thank you," Luffy said, still a distance away from the island.

The white seaking leaned closer causing the guests to turn rigid, yet it only took a little scratch beneath its snout from Luffy for the seaking to finally swim away happily.

"I-Is this where you stay...?" Law asked with a small questioning frown.

"What did you expect? A castle underwater?" Luffy asked with a raised brow.

"W-well, no," the boy sputtered and blushed. The blond adult chuckled, getting a smack from his charge.

Rocinante was still doubtful about following this stranger, but he was quite satisfied to see Law open up, even a little.

As soon as they docked, they could make out a tiny humble village. The villagers nearby gathered by the dock to greet Luffy with enthusiasm.

"Luffy-chan, you're back," a lady in a blue apron said.

"Luffy-san, I've been waiting for you to come back," an old man called, "I really need help fixing my roof."

"Ace would be happy to hear that you're back, Luffy," a passerby yelled with a smile and wave.

"Ah, hey everyone," Luffy greeted lightly, "I'm back, and I'll help you tomorrow Minato-san."

Though once the blond stood up, many villagers gave him a second glance due to his impossible height.

Mayor Woop Slap arrived not long after approaching slowly with his cane, "Who's that Luffy-kun?"

"Ah, mayor, I found them on an island in the North blue,"

"Excuse us, we need to stay in your village for a bit," Rocinante bowed politely, rubbing his neck sheepishly.

Luffy noticed after taking off his bandages that the blond had quite an eccentric makeup or tattoo on his face that made him look like a clown. However, his countenance definitely matched the gentle aura the raven sensed from the beginning.

Mayor eyed him weirdly and suspiciously before sighing, before walking away with a light comment. "Sure, as long as you don't harm the village or anyone in it.".

"Yes, we won't, thank you," the blond added with a bow that ended with him tripping over his own coat.

"Cora-san," the kid groaned exasperatedly as he tried to help the man up.

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